The rear strut bar is the third one from the top. The rest include the 16mm rear sway bar, front strut bar, and 4 pt. chassis brace.

ok so tools needed for install include 12mm socket or wrench and a razor. i used a regular wrench cuz i couldn't find my socket wrench, but it probably would have made it a lot easier.
anyways i would start by taking out rear seat, just for the extra space to manuever. Then your next step is to peel your liner from your sides back. There is only one spot where it is bolted down to the floor (which would be underneath the seat), but if you start from the there it will help a lot. Just peel it all the way back towards the hatch working it out of the grooves.
you'll soon see this portion right here where your rear seats attach to. loosen the bottom bolt and put it aside.

i put the bar up like this first so i could do the same to the other side.

as soon as both ends are held up go ahead and swing it forward and start tightening down everything.

i don't have a rear seat but i did go ahead and check to see if it would interfere with the rear seats in any way and it doesn't when it is in this position
now that everything is tightened down you will need to make a little slit in the lining to accomodate the bar. from the initial slit that is for the hoop thing for the back seats, you only need to go down about 2 inches and cut into it another 2 inches or so. (i'm sure there are many ways to do this, but this is what i did)
you'll get a little flap that looks like this

i then cut right where that little groove goes down for the top portion of the bar

oh ya on the left side (or right side depending on where your looking from) of the liner is the light, this little guy pops out with a little bit of a push from the opposite end. i took mine out so i could peel the liner back a bit more, i'm sure you can do it with it still in though.
if you take it out, go ahead and put it back in and do the same cuts for the opposite sides and put your liner back together.

tighten down the middle bolts for the strut bar using crescent wrench or whatever big size wrench it needs
and done =)

and just for fun

hope this helps guys