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    Thread: How's changing a valve cover gasket..

    1. #11
      Almost time to do my timing belt daug1502's Avatar
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      I didn't say it couldn't be done. Just not a good idea lol. I have used it myself to make up for a bad (cheap) basket form.

      2008 Aveo5 SV

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    2. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by paulsaveo View Post
      A dab here and there is just used to help hold the gasket in place, the recomendation is not for sealing purposes
      Paul I hate to disagree, but thats not what I saw when I changed my gasket today. The gasket fits snugly inside a groove in the cover, and needs no sealant to hold it in place. The sealent reccomendation is for the hard to seal areas just before dips in the gasket on each side of the cover, at the end of each cam. Just a dab, like on any other old engine people have been sealing for the last 50 years.

      The factory had some of their sealant, a tiny bit, ooze into the inside of the cover and dry there. didn't seem to hurt anything.

      I'm glad to have it done, no more smell of oil burining off the side of my engine. Actually, I think the smell mine had was from one of the spark plug 0-rings. 1 plug well had gotten some oil in it. I imagine this oil would get hot enough to start to smoke and smell after extended highway driving.
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    3. #13
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      yes typically, you are to put sealant on the cam cap corners, or cam guide, etc.

    4. #14
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      Find Aveo How-to's at my blog. http://aveodiy.blogspot.com/
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    5. #15
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DailyDriverMark View Post
      Paul I hate to disagree, but thats not what I saw when I changed my gasket today. The gasket fits snugly inside a groove in the cover, and needs no sealant to hold it in place. The sealent reccomendation is for the hard to seal areas just before dips in the gasket on each side of the cover, at the end of each cam. Just a dab, like on any other old engine people have been sealing for the last 50 years.

      The factory had some of their sealant, a tiny bit, ooze into the inside of the cover and dry there. didn't seem to hurt anything.

      I'm glad to have it done, no more smell of oil burining off the side of my engine. Actually, I think the smell mine had was from one of the spark plug 0-rings. 1 plug well had gotten some oil in it. I imagine this oil would get hot enough to start to smoke and smell after extended highway driving.
      I should refrase what I said. A dab here and there is more so to help keep gasket in place as you are reinstalling the valve cover, keeping it from slipping out on the backside where you cant see, it is not something that is neccessay, its just a quick tip to help ensure nothing goes wrong. And yes, the corners and cam caps, and any point where 2 metal surfaces come together, it is a good recomendation to have silicone (liquid gasket or what ever each person is more comfortable using)on those areas, however, it is not a MUST, just a good recomendation

    6. #16
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      Replaceing an Aveo Valve Cover Gasket – December 2010 | Unique Motorsports

      Here's the write up from when I did it along with some pictures.

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    8. #17
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      how do i remove oil from spark plug well and what are the o rings for in the kit can you help me out new at this

    9. #18
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Aveo5_boy's Avatar
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      Here is a video on how to remove oil from the spark plug wells: Video: How to Remove Oil From a Spark Plug Well | eHow.com

    10. #19
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      I did this on Saturday. Be careful when you remove the clip from the CMP sensor or it will fall down into the timing belt housing. Telescoping magnet is my favorite tool!

    11. #20
      Should I keep it? kdr315's Avatar
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      I purchased mine from Rock Auto, not a bad deal for $9.77 with a 12 month Warranty. Shipped here quickly too.

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