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    Thread: Finally getting back to the track

    1. #21
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Finally getting back to the track

      Quote Originally Posted by subachad
      Will definately be fun. I'm not actually racing... it's a high performance driving event. turn 8 at 120mph is good times for sure... I have had the Aveo out there and it can only get up to 95... A decent car should hit 120-130 on the straight and 120 on turn 8 which is kinda straight.

      P.S. Once an Rx-8 comes up local which is silver or gray, 5sp, cloth, and sunroof... I'm trading the Aveo. It's been fun but it's time to get a better, track worthy car
      did they ever make a 6 speed model i remember a mazdaspeed model....which was still turbo less stupid mazda anyway i was just curious about if they offered a 6 speed tranny ever


    2. #22
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Finally getting back to the track

      Quote Originally Posted by aveodude
      Yeah the Aveo is my only car.
      I have been on a road course. I have raced an RX-8. Not fast acceleration like I said. For 30k, there are far better cars out there.
      honda S2K mabye?

    3. #23
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      Re: Finally getting back to the track

      i didn't read this whole thread,
      i personally dont car for the rx8. styling just destroys it for me. but the mazdaspeed miata has a 6 speed. (they are good autocross cars) and would probably be ok as road race. not sure if they have the girth to maintain speed though.

      and i dont care what you buy, the warranty does not follow you to the track.

      for 30k i would probably get a 20k car and do 10k in suspension, brakes and engine upgrades.
      you can pick up a 911 porsche, an newer corvette, sti, vw r32, skyline, evo, etc for @ 20k.

      even for 15k i would probably do something similar. although for a competitive track car, 10k doesn't get you much unless you build the whole thing. and you would need the 5k in upgrades.

      i would love to road race. but i have a friend who does, he races his jetta, and has a friend with an S4. the money of going to the events, tire replacement, brakes work and such, i think he spends like $400-500 after each event. plus he spends at least that going and entering the tracks (to do it as often as he does, he just came back from daytona)

    4. #24
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Re: Finally getting back to the track

      Well, at least your insurance will still be cheap on the RX8 as it's classified as a family car because technically it's 4 door lol. For a track car I would want a Nissan S15 Silvia.

      Farthest North Aveo: Fairbanks, Alaska

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