Back! Sorry I haven't posted, been busy since I got back and rather sick, think I inhaled too much dust at the event, need to remember a dust mask for next time!
The even went well. There was a new organizer this time, so there were so growing pains as he figured everything out.
The event started about an hour late and we only got a total of 10 runs. The morning went POORLY for me. The course was extremely tight, and there were more cones than an autoX course! Missed gates on 4 of the 5 morning runs, which meant 4 bogey times (slowest in group + 10 seconds), on top of the ridiculous amount of cones I obliterated, which basically killed any chance I had of being competitive.
Learned some valuable lessons from the morning session:
1. I get there early, stop dicking around and walk the course
2. Pay attention during the parade lap, put at least 100ft between me and the guy in front of me.
3. Do go balls out on the first run, slow it down and pay attention.
4. If you've already missed a gate, DON'T WORRY IF YOU'RE GOING TO MISS ANOTHER. If you haven't... HIT THE CONE.
The afternoon went much better. The organizer opened up the course and I was actually able to get up some speed, so that I could actually rotate the car. The course was a blast. Felt much faster, but I haven't seen the stage by stage times yet, just overall (of which I was last, if you don't count the cars that didn't finish... it's rally, and if you're counting cumulative time, THEY COUNT!).
Still having issues with the car popping out of second gear, but that's just how it goes I guess. Really don't have the time to pull out the pitch mount and try to fill it or anything, so I'll just deal. I have a good idea of when it'll happen and have been able to quickly shove it back in.
Here's a side cam video from a Mk2 Golf GT in the afternoon:
Some Photos, still trying to get him to upload the full set, because the aveo gets no love in these!
10/18/10 Summit Point Rally X - a set on Flickr