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    Thread: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

    1. #121
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      ATM the only plan is to get it running!

    2. #122
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      After some digging through my build thread I found this picture.

      Here is the 2004 block. Noticed the black flanged area.

      Here is the 2007 block. Notice no black flange or holes. Looks like the 07 valve cover is going back on, or I guess I could plug that port.

      It seems odd that they would even have that huge breather there in the first place. How much blow by are you getting that you need a 1" vent hose on top of the PCV valve and normal oil passages in the head/block?!?

    3. #123
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      Alright, time for the weekend update (yeah, a little late ).

      So, let see where to start. First thing I did was solder the oil pressure sensor back together.

      Next I tried installing the intake manifold since I had to remove it to get the engine into the car. I gotta say, it was a tight fit. I had to flip it around from what the picture shows and go ports first, and even then I had to shove it in there after removing the EGR pipe and a few other lines.

      So, I got that secured and the throttle body mounted up. Next, the injectors and vacuum stuff was all hooked up.

      Then, I went to install the intake plumbing only to find it was a bit damaged.

      And the airbox is damaged too. There aren't enough functional bolts left to seal properly unfortunately. So, anyone looking to sell their stock airbox and rubber tube shoot me a PM.

      In the mean time, I did a quick duct tape fix.

      Next up was to fill up the fluids. I'm running 100% water right now to do a flush of the system.

      At that point I hooked up the battery and gave it a go. It took a bit of cranking, but it eventually fired up (no exhaust hooked up yet). After shutting it down I heard some dripping... I looked under the car to find a nice pool of clear liquid. But, I had to head off to church, and then we had friends over so I wasn't able to look at it anymore that day.

      So, tonight I took a look at it and ended up finding this. Which one doesn't belong?

      And I took that injector out to find this nice o-ring. Simple enough fix though! It probably happened from all the messing around with the fuel rail as it was attached to the fuel line the entire install.

    4. #124
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      Woohoo! It lives.

      Glad you figured out the puddle under the car wasn't anything serious.
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    5. #125
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      I just got back from my first drive in an Aveo!

      I got the new o-ring installed and put it all back together. I can't say much right now as it was rainy and I took it fairly easy on the car. The check engine light is also blinking, so I have to figure out what that is (no readable codes on my scangauge). But, its very nice to have the car operational.

    6. #126
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      most of the time blinking means misfire. (you supposed to not drive when flashing)

    7. #127
      Still love my daily driver
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      good luck bro i just got my truck on the road ater 2 years
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    8. #128
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      Congrats on the first drive!

      Hmm... 2005 sedan - did you find it to ride smoother and quieter than you were expecting??
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    9. #129
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      Thanks guys.

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
      most of the time blinking means misfire. (you supposed to not drive when flashing)
      Yeah I did a quick google search and found that out too. It really wasn't idling poorly or noticeably running bad at all. Guess I'll check the plugs and stuff tonight.

      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG
      Hmm... 2005 sedan - did you find it to ride smoother and quieter than you were expecting??
      It was a pretty short ride so its hard to get any solid impressions. I didn't want to get too far in case something was bad with the engine light flashing. But, my first impression was it was louder than the Yaris I just drove a few weeks ago, but it was raining, so that makes things louder. Other than that, the car just seems loose. Shifter throw is long, brake pedal throw is long, the power steering is very light (makes it harder to 'feel' the road). On the nice side, it runs very smooth even with misfiring. It also has a decent amount of low rpm power for such a small engine. I think I had shifted to 2nd @ 5-10mph or so and it had no problem just moving right along.

    10. #130
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      re: 2005 Aveo 5-spd sedan - timing belt broke - being repaired

      Well, I took it for another spin tonight and no engine light. I'm guessing it was just there from starting an engine that had been sitting for a long time. So, I'll be taking it to work tomorrow. I spent the rest of the time working on the car tonight just cleaning things up. I'm sure a lot more will be needed.

      Now... what next? I have a few plans, but those are for another thread.

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