Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
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Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
I really hope thats all that needs to be done. Like I said, the garage tried to do it, but their tool wasn't able to do it (and it is supposed to be able to do it). I also talked with another Aveo owner who has the exact same problem as I do. He has an 05 with an 07 engine, he swapped all the parts I did and tried to do the relearn as well (he works at a garage). I don't know if he got the relearn to actually work, but he said he tried it six times and the misfire code won't go away.
I an honestly say I've only gotten a relearn to work once. But have tried more than a few times on multiple cars.
I found other ways to make it work for some of them. But the relearn almost seems like an excuse for gm's sensors to not be made with the same specs or something.
If you cant get it to relearn then what would you do next? Is it something that would lead to an ECM change or different sensors being replaced?
I'm not sure. I think it'll be one of those 'I'll cross that bridge if I come to it'.
i usually trick the computer. Hook the old sensor up, and in, and run it crappy for a few minutes, then shut the car off, and switch sensors. start the car right up.. It actually works more often than you would think. But not all the time.
i purchased a 2004 hatchback 69,505 miles $1100 drove it home 30 miles with 10 teeth missing on the timing belt
have no idea how it ran but did just no power
well after finding out all 8 exhaust vavles were bent and 700 to rebuild the head and put it all together
i oppted on a 2007 motor with 17k for $350 at the salvage yard just pulled old motor out today
curious if i will run into the same problems as u when shes up and runnin
No updates. I've been working 10-12 hrs a day plus Saturdays so its hard to get anything else done. However, I have talked with another guy who did the same thing, 04 or 05 with an 07 engine and he has the same problem. So, I'd anticipate that you would have the problem as well.
Note to self: Don't buy an 07 engine. :lol:
Side note - on my Subaru, I could enable and disable the actual triggering of the MIL (flashing CEL light) in the ECU. What if you take it to a tuner and have the tuner disable the CEL for that certain code?
I know its not really fixing the problem as it is more of side-stepping it, but at least it'll get rid of that damn light.
... not to mention get the car past the "automatic disqualification" part of emission testing (assuming the "problem" isn't actually affecting emissions)