In 2006 they went to a drive by wire throttle. I that is the only difference I know of until the ecotec engine was put in the Aveos in 2009. Horsepower and mileage stayed relatively the same until the ecotec as well.
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In 2006 they went to a drive by wire throttle. I that is the only difference I know of until the ecotec engine was put in the Aveos in 2009. Horsepower and mileage stayed relatively the same until the ecotec as well.
only thing i can think of for added mileage would be aerodynamic changes with the front end?
or isnt 2007 when the new emissions test came out? maybe it did slightly better comparing the new test with the old?
were off topic now, fix this thing!!
I'm just waiting on the salvage yard now. I need a confirmation email so I can go there, show them the email, and pick it up. Best guess is I'll have it Thursday night.
Woohoo! It's rare to read people say that on forums. I like it. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
I agree: get at it, Tim!
good luck with your fix
So about the difference between ecotec and etec... :D just kidding... 8)
Back to the topic. What brand belt are planning on using? I've seen some discussions about it in a very old thread but didn't wana bump it. What's a good brand? Knowing that it can brake so easy I would not wanna get a cheap belt. Also does it make a difference (brand wise) what water pump and tensioner you get?
I'm not even sure I'll replace the belt or anything on it. I'll inspect it to see what condition its all in.
Serega - nothing wrong with bumping old threads with new questions/info.
Ok. Thanks. 8). I wouldn't post because I thought bumping old thread was a bad thing.Quote:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Nah. Older members just like to give you sh...
Yeah I figured. By the way, XJ, I think I got you beat on post count. 8)Quote:
Originally Posted by XJCasper
Ya, I noticed the new post wh.... on the site
who was the last whore? :P
Was the belt tensioner on the engine when you got it? It would be nice to see it and see if it actually was the cause of the engine failure :!:
I love haters. :D. That's what happens when you get out of the service and go from absolutely busy to absolutely bored. You start modifying an Aveo :!: and start posting about it. Thanks for all the love. 8)Quote:
Originally Posted by XJCasper
Nope, the head was already removed when I got the car as were a few other things.Quote:
Originally Posted by johnygogo
Welllll, no engine yesterday. But, I will definitely have it tonight! Can't wait to get it. :) Hopefully everything checks out okay and I can drop it right in.
I got the engine last night. Didn't do anything with it as I had a few other things to attend to. But, I did snap some pics.
The engine is in fair shape. As with most salvage engines they aren't the most careful with it and a few things a broken (timing belt cover, a few wire connectors, etc.). I'll just pull the good parts off the other engine to replace them.
Out of curiousity: do you know how much it weighs?
Metal thermostat housing ftw!Quote:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Well, I didn't get as much as I wanted done today (had to fix my tiller), but the engine is almost ready to be dropped into the car. Since the engine is from a 2007 Aveo, I had to do some part swapping.
I started with the flywheel. The engine I got was an automatic, so I needed to put the manual trans flywheel on it.
And then the starter.
The timing belt cover was pretty cracked up, so I swapped it for the original engine's cover.
When removing the cover, I noticed this, and that just wont do.
So, I swapped the engine mount from the original engine as well.
And, it was a good thing I did. I found fragments of the cracked timing belt cover in the bottom. They could have easily been tossed around and caused problems.
While reassembling, I also reinstalled the alternator.
Here is the difference between the 07 DBW throttle body and the 05 cabled throttle body. A few of the vacuum lines are different as well.
But, the differences don't stop there. This is a comparison of the valve covers. The 07 is the dull one. The PCV valve is a bit different as well as the 05 having a large port on the bottom left (in the pic).
Moving on to the intake manifold, it looks like they also installed a position sensor on the actuator for the secondary runners. It doesn't get in the way of anything, so I am going to use the 07 manifold. However, I did notice that one plugged vacuum nipple on the 04 manifold is smaller than the one on the 07.
Next, I found a difference between the two oxygen sensors. The connectors are different. So, I had to swap those as well.
So, thats about as far as I have gotten. I could use a little help though. I don't know where the hoses that attach to these places go. There is one on the bottom of the throttle body. Its a coolant line.
There is also the large port on the end of the valve cover (that isn't on the 07 valve cover). This appears to be just some form of breather. Some help identifying where these go would be great.
very good pics
Looks like you're going to need a new oil filter too. The guys at the yard weren't too careful!
would you be willing to send me your old exhaust and intake gaskets? the ones that bolt to the head, if you still have them of course.
LOL... I don't think Daox would reuse the same oil filter anyways. I don't think I would. You don't know how long it's been on there...Quote:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Hey the yellow numbers above the spark plugs, what does it label?
cylinder numbers im guessing
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Haha, yeah a few things were cracked and broken, but not a ton. I have a new oil filter sitting on the shelf in the garage ready to go. I'll do that once the engine is in the car. No need for the new one to possibly get beat up during the reinstall.
Yeah, send me a PM and we can figure something out.Quote:
Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
The only thing about the intake is that there are 4 separate gaskets. If you look at the pic below, each orange/red piece is a gasket. Its not one solid gasket.
Yeah, its just cylinder numbers. Not sure why the previous owner did it. IMO its not real hard to keep track of four individual cylinders haha.Quote:
Originally Posted by reddemonx92
Well, with a little digging around I think I've found where my mystery lines go.
The one on the throttle body appears to go to the coolant reservoir over by the battery.
The larger breather from the valve cover goes... down somewhere. I'm guessing those hoses are still on the car in the engine bay. I'll have to make sure of that.
where did that valve cover come from, did you make that or something?
Its just a pic I found online.
Got some more time to work on the Aveo last night. I took care of a few things with the engine before it could be dropped in.
I started out separating the power steering pump from this bracket. BTW, huuuge pain in the butt considering there were only two nuts to remove. Someone outta shoot the guy who put a SLOT IN THE THROUGH HOLE. There was tons of junk in there which made pulling it apart a 1hr job. Had there been no slot this would have been a 2 minute job.
After that, I got the engine up in the air.
And then I forgot that I had to put the tranny on it, so I did that. Would have been much easier on the ground, but oh well.
The first time I went to drop it in it wouldn't go. The intake manifold needed to be removed. I also removed the front side bracket for the power steering & A/C for extra clearance.
That made it drop right in! However, I couldn't get it mounted up to the engine mounts because I had forgotten about the drive shafts. To get the engine out I had to jack the car up, loosen the ball joints and pull the wheels outward. So, I'm going to have to do that again to get the engine to drop all the way down. That is the project for this morning.
That did the trick, the engine is in the car. Hurray for a totally stock Aveo. :) (ok, except my awesome hitch)
There is still got lots of stuff to hook up, and I still have to fix that one connector. But, I'm headed out of town for a couple days. It'll have to wait.
Also, I think you should paint "5 6 7 8" on the other camshaft cover. Keep people guessing. :D
just try to make sure the questions weren't already asked somewhere else really.
Hooked up most of the wire harness tonight.
I still don't know where that large port on the valve cover hooks up to though. If someone could snap a pic of their engine or just describe where it goes that would be pretty handy.
:| you will make red confused again :PQuote:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
are you planning on relocating the battery to the trunk for a "more 50/50 weight distribution" ;)