Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
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Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
I really hope thats all that needs to be done. Like I said, the garage tried to do it, but their tool wasn't able to do it (and it is supposed to be able to do it). I also talked with another Aveo owner who has the exact same problem as I do. He has an 05 with an 07 engine, he swapped all the parts I did and tried to do the relearn as well (he works at a garage). I don't know if he got the relearn to actually work, but he said he tried it six times and the misfire code won't go away.
I an honestly say I've only gotten a relearn to work once. But have tried more than a few times on multiple cars.
I found other ways to make it work for some of them. But the relearn almost seems like an excuse for gm's sensors to not be made with the same specs or something.
If you cant get it to relearn then what would you do next? Is it something that would lead to an ECM change or different sensors being replaced?
I'm not sure. I think it'll be one of those 'I'll cross that bridge if I come to it'.
i usually trick the computer. Hook the old sensor up, and in, and run it crappy for a few minutes, then shut the car off, and switch sensors. start the car right up.. It actually works more often than you would think. But not all the time.
i purchased a 2004 hatchback 69,505 miles $1100 drove it home 30 miles with 10 teeth missing on the timing belt
have no idea how it ran but did just no power
well after finding out all 8 exhaust vavles were bent and 700 to rebuild the head and put it all together
i oppted on a 2007 motor with 17k for $350 at the salvage yard just pulled old motor out today
curious if i will run into the same problems as u when shes up and runnin
No updates. I've been working 10-12 hrs a day plus Saturdays so its hard to get anything else done. However, I have talked with another guy who did the same thing, 04 or 05 with an 07 engine and he has the same problem. So, I'd anticipate that you would have the problem as well.
Note to self: Don't buy an 07 engine. :lol:
Side note - on my Subaru, I could enable and disable the actual triggering of the MIL (flashing CEL light) in the ECU. What if you take it to a tuner and have the tuner disable the CEL for that certain code?
I know its not really fixing the problem as it is more of side-stepping it, but at least it'll get rid of that damn light.
... not to mention get the car past the "automatic disqualification" part of emission testing (assuming the "problem" isn't actually affecting emissions)
I'd rather not hack it to get it to work. As is, the car isn't operating in closed loop which likely leads to lower mileage and less power too.
So do we believe a reprogram or crank relearn will fix the problem at a chevy dealer
Not to sound like a jackass but does this mean for future people that 2004 to 2005's should have replacement motors from those same years if needed? Was the dividing line cable driven vs. drive by wire?
I'm really not sure what is triggering this need for a crankshaft relearn. I'm actually not 100% sure that that is the problem. Its just the next thing on the list to try at this point. You might have to do it with any new engine.
Daox, any updates on your project Aveo yet? Just curious as to whats happening with it.
Well I know for a fact that the 04-05 have a different block than the 06-08 and the 09 engine is different than the 10-11...I have all the part breakdowns here since were a Suzuki dealer I did a little bit of research on the crankshaft sensor. It is a different sensor for 04-05 and 06-08. Therefore you want to use the old sensor. Unfortunately, were not automotive dealer, so I can only see the parts breakdown, not the service manuals. The link (gm.ws123.net) doesn't work anymore, GM shut them down. I'll see tonight what the procedure is when I get home tonight.
I tried using both sensors, no dice.
I still haven't taken the car to the dealer to have the relearn done.
hopefully when you do get the relearn done then that fixes the problem. You dont need more problems lol
As promised here is the CKP learning procedure. Now the other thing that could be an issue is the 07 engine's reluctor wheel. If it's different than the 04, you may never be able to get the ecu to learn the ckp. I can't check that until Tuesday.
But for now here is the file. I had to zip it, forum doesn't like .rtf files.
The timing wheel on the crank did come to mind. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it. I sure hope they didn't! That would create a lot more work for me though haha.
Thanks for the relearn procedure. Unfortunately, I don't have a scantool that can do it. Still gotta take it to the dealer.
I'm glad to say I finally got my car in to the dealer last night. They should be doing the crankshaft relearn procedure this morning. So, I should be getting a call sometime today. I really hope this takes care of it.
I got the call from the dealer. They say its all fixed and ready to go. The fix cost $125.
go to hear, and fairly cheap i suppose. have you been driving it this whole time?
I have gone through about 1 tank of gas with the error code.
glad to hear your aveo is up and running finally. Any plans now that its all fixed?
More fixing unfortunately. The driver's side door doesn't lock, and the rear driver's side tire leaks air slowly. Then there is the cosmetics... I got a bit to do yet.
Well, I picked the car up tonight and drove it home. The relearn seems to have worked! It behaves much better at low throttle input now too. Before, it used to buck a little bit going down the road at say 35 mph and 5th gear when you had to get off and back on the gas.
Glad to hear you finally got this sorted out, Tim.
Now you can pull off that little piece of black electrical tape from over the check engine light! :D
good to hear its fixed.
Daox's project Aveo is up and running! Thats awesome! Glad to hear its fixed!
Well, maybe not quite. Got a P0455 code on the way home the other day. I'll pickup a new o-ring for the gas cap on the way home from work today I suppose.
Apparently you have to buy an entire new gas cap as the seal is molded into it. Anyway, thats done, but I haven't driven it since. I'm pretty sure that'll fix it as the old gas cap didn't even tighten up all the way.
Drove the Aveo to work today. The light turned off. All is well again.
What an awesome thread! Thanks for all the details! Turns out I may be swapping a newer engine into my '05... scared as hell to try, but don't have the cash to throw to a mechanic. How much actual time did you spend getting the car running?
Actual time was quite a bit as I didn't know exactly what I was going to do (rebuild or put a salvage yard engine in). Honestly, its really not that hard to do. Everything only plugs into one place. If you have questions, we on the forum can help out. I say go for it. Although, I would recommend an engine hoist. My pulley setup was very difficult to work with.
How hard was it to change out the flywheel? I'll be doing the opposite of you... [if I'm going to do it] I'll be buying an engine from a 5 speed and mating it to my automatic. Never attempted anything like this. Hell, last weekend was the first time I took an oil pan off, and now the car blew up. :)
also, do you think it's something 2 guys could do in a weekend? Even if it's 20 hour days, I'm on a tight schedule...
Removing the flywheel isn't a problem. An impact wrench is a nice thing to have though.
Got that covered.
two guys depending on your experience should be able to do it in a weekend.. if your really experienced a day is plenty. remember take the whole thing out, and compare swap unlike pieces and/or systems.. ALSO marking the torque convertor and flywheel (or whatever the combination bolts so you put them back together in the right order the first time..
it might also be easier to drop the engine and tranny together.
impact wench vs. flywheel NEXT on Sick Sad World (as you can tell I am easily amused)