Alright so i was bored and decided to clean up my engine bay and snap a few pics, I didnt want to put them on here cause the job isnt finished.
There is still come cosmetics work to do, i wanna sand down the rust on the fuel rail and a few other places and paint it black.
My ghetto CAI needs to be done, i ordered the filter i need today to make it work better and i also need to get red silicone couplers instead of 3 colours lol. I also need to finish installing my groundind kit.
Anyways better then nothing:
UPDATE: 02/09/2009
Alright i decided to post the updated pics in my original post so its easier to compare before and after.
Painted the little round thing near the coil, the fuel rail, throttle body flap control thingy (lol) and the piece that holds the throttle cable. CAI isnt finished, im probly gonna paint it and i need to change silicone couplers. I decided to relocate the filter inside the hood again, outside it gets dirty and clogged WAY too fast, i have no plastic inner fenders so the filter gets owned down there, this way its gonna stay nice and dry and will last much longer.
Like i said before i also painted my ogirinal corner lens black, heres the pic: