As part of my budget prjoect sedan hotness on my commuter 2010 Aveo sedan I took my first attempt at DIY Eyelids.
I stopped at my local sign shop and the manager was super cool and gave me 1 sq ft of premium 3m gloss black decal vinyl and some tips. I then picked up some various other supplies and gave the Aveo a little face lift and some extra attitude.
1 sq ft premium 3m gloss black decal vinyl - Free
1 bottle alcohol bonus size - $1.49
1 Exacto knife - $2.99
1 Roll Masking tape - $2.99
1 spray bottle with water and 1 drop of lotion free dish soap - Free
Total = $7.47
Total w/o tape that was not needed = $4.48
Please disregard how dirty it is and the bugs. I thoroughly cleaned the hood and headlight area. I didn't want the Automatic Car Wash silicone soap residue on the headlights before I installed and do not want to wash it until the vinyl sets really well.