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    Thread: My new headlight retrofit.......

    1. #11
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Quote Originally Posted by AveoGirl View Post
      Well yeah the Morimoto Mini H1 are not that bad, usually it has a nice color flicker and almost the same as the D2S version of it. As you say you might be right about the fitment issues with the FX-R and cutting would be a pain in the ass especially with the LS430 when being so huge when our light aren't big enough for those projectors. The LS430 are hard to find and even more rare paying cheap money for them when those usually are often pricey and also referring to the S2K AP1 in being expensive also but it lack the mounting holes. What did you use to connect the bulbs with? Did you use the AMPs connectors and how?
      I had an HID kit from before so I just had to change the bulb out per say. I also spliced in the hi/lo wire to enable the solenoid to get the hi/lo feature.

      Quote Originally Posted by AveoGirl View Post
      What did you use for the shroud? I ask because I'm learning a bit and gathering enough information when its time to do my retrofit.
      I used the shroud that came with it(mini gatling gun)free of charge. Its simple cause it just screws into the back of the projector.

      I dont know if you have run across this website: HiDplanet : The Official Automotive Lighting Forum it has tons of info for any thing you can think of as far as retrofitting your headlights and other lighting upgrades. Good luck girl!!

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    2. #12
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I've heard about that site a few times.

    3. #13
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      ^i like ur thinking!!~
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    4. #14
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Well I dont know if anyone would be interested in buying these projectors? I want to upgrade now because I think I can hack up my headlight and should be ok. These projectors basically drop in vs the ones I want need to be set in by nuts and bolts and epoxy and all that jazz. These are Bi-xenon so you get your high and low beam funtion still. I am asking 140 shipped in the US. These have been modded for a straight cutoff, shrouds have been painted and the demon eye mod along with custom foreground limiters. Let me know what you think?
      "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot""

    5. #15
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      What projectors are you planning to install in your other project?

    6. #16
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      The FX-R with normal 35w ballasts and bulbs. So have you put anymore thought as to what you will be doing as far as the retro?
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    7. #17
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Well first a gotta figure it in measuring the headlamp to see how much I can play with however the FX-R are my first choice, with OEM 85122+ bulbs (Phillips I believe with the regular ballast with the amps connectors and in second hand the Morimotos's Mini D2S are my second choice if doing the less expensive route because a retro with good projector can cost a pretty penny. I'm still debating what do do with that ...

    8. #18
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Yeah I agree....I did the morimoto mh1 retro due to the ease of instalation(not so much the cost though)and I already had a regular hid kit so I didnt need the AMP to D2S connectors. I plan on getting these FX-R projectors with the morimoto bulbs in 4300k just for the fact of looking at lots of pictures and the difference is minnimal IMHO for the price difference between the two bulbs. Now if I had the extra money and room I would most likely go with the TL projectors. As far as measurments go I have figuered that the diff between the fx-r and minis is small and I should have no problems especially since the mini is sitting aout three inches away from the housing lens and I have a bit of room between the housing and the projectors where they sit in the headlight now. As soon as I get the fx-r after selling these projectors I will post a How-to on the whole process and maybe that will give you a little more insight on the whole process.
      Name:  ready to seal up.JPG
Views: 454
Size:  57.8 KBName:  daytime pics.JPG
Views: 472
Size:  78.3 KBThis is where the projectors ended up sittting and this is with absolutly no cutting or modifications whatsoever, I just took out the bulbs and the shield and dropped in these projectors, I was done in about 2.5 hours. Of course now I have taken everything back out and did some mods and blacked everything out.
      Last edited by redrob; 02-23-2011 at 05:28 AM.
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    9. #19
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Are you selling the just the Morimitos Mini H1 or the headlights with everything including the projectors? If it is the projector + headlights then I'm interested.

    10. #20
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Well I guess i could do both or just the projectors....keep in mind though these headlights are stock headlights that are completly blacked out and they are off a 08 hatch.

      "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot""

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