HAHA I know.. Sorry bud. I didn't have any of me and you on the good cameraI guess I could grab that one off Instagram and post it up!! Ill do that in a bit!!
HAHA I know.. Sorry bud. I didn't have any of me and you on the good cameraI guess I could grab that one off Instagram and post it up!! Ill do that in a bit!!
Here we go!
Ugggh This was before I had coiloversLOL
I don't mind decals, I even have a few. I personally don't care for the "sticker-bombs", but again that is personal preference. Your Aveo is one of the best that I have seen in my opinion. Awesome work! I WANT new wheels for mine, but I simply can't afford it right now.
On another note,
My neighbor has a blue Sonic and he is going to let me detail and wax it when spring rolls around. He's older, but he loves it and comes to me when he has questions. His old car was like an 2000's ish very well kept, Buick. Once he discovered what a turbo was and drove a Sonic without one, he fell in love. (He's almost 70 I think. xD )
People constantly hound me about doing mods a such, it's hard to when you're unemployed. The drawbacks of a small town, and having a college degree and needing a job to afford to move elsewhere.
Some have said that they Aveo community is dying, I disagree. It has shrunk some, as people are moving up to Sonic's and other newer cars. I don't think our community will "die" for at least another few years.
-Andrew B.
Looks good homie
i can't say the aveo community is smaller or if it is changing. I for one never thought i would end up with mine, wouldn't have picked it for myself. But as an agreement with my wife to buy a new car, it was my favorite, and cheapest in the cars i drove. I think the community will change as the car goes on to be cheaper. But there will be a few of us that even when we move on will still be fond of our aveo. I know since i have been here it has gone from a "new" car with posts about "what mods can i do?" to upkeep and issues with the car. now there are fewer posts, but that is the way of the internet, people link on Facebook and such and not so much in forums. I occasionally see an aveo with a few mods around. But all i care about, is mine is one of a kind in my area.
Well said Rabbit! I could have worded my post differently. I can see the side of Facebook being easier, and it is. I think the TapATalk app is a nice compromise, I like it so far.
I'm one of about 4 or 5 Aveo's here.
I actually keep a notes list on my phone for when I see one, am I weird for that? I'm pasting it as it is right now.
1.) ~2010 Dark Grey fully loaded Sedan, an old Grandma has it and waves every time she passes me. #GoGrandma
(She even has the cute little Grandma house with decorations for Christmas.)
2.) 2006 LS Slightly different Shade of Orange, and older guy drives it and it has like 230k. It has fogs and a spoiler, I'm fairly sure it's an LS but I can't remember for sure.
Sighting: ~2007 LT fully loaded Yellow with all options and had a sunroof which is rare. Have only ever saw it once and it was when I was leaving the store. (Don't know if it is still around, didn't see the plate so idk if it's from here. Most likely passing though.)
3.) ~2006 Red Sedan, some young girl drives it, appears to be a beater... (Saw multiple times)
4.) ~2006 Silver Sedan with VERY ugly hubcaps, don't know who drives it. I think it's an LS...
5.) ~2011 Red Hatchback Aveo5 LS. Very well kept, guy works at our lowes and parks next to the car wash behind the shed displays in front of the store. He must be as paranoid as me. lol
The Lowe's guys is right there next to mine as far as appearance. The others are eh...
It looks long, but a chunk was a copy/paste. haha
Just my two cents...
gAHHH I STILLLLLLLL love that photo bro! we killed it that show!
I bet it feels nice to have something unique at car shows, vs the same ol vtec, or Miata, nothing against those cars, but it is kind of funny how everyone will prefer the same thing everyone else has, then that awkward feeling when you see ten other cars exactly like yours.
I'm currently saving my pennies (now that the repair costs are behind me) to spring for a new set of 15" wheels and tires for my 'wannabe chewy' LS. Right now I am leaning toward the Rega EVO knock-off's such as Rota slipstreams another member has, or the Avid av08. Im trying to 'fit in' lol