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How much to send to malaysia?
Still possible to buy one of these pulleys?
Hey has anyone notice a problems with there A/C or Alt after doing this? Or Water Pump if it is run through the belt? If its running the Alt slow you battery, A/C, and water pump will not working as well?
I checked alternator output after putting the pulley on, it was still able to keep the voltage up even at idle (on a stock car). Unless you have a large sound system and/or tons of electronics you'll be fine.
The water pump will only be an issue if you live in death valley on a hot day. A/C usage will be the same, its unnoticable. I've had similar pulleys on a few other cars, the little bit of reduced output is not noticable. When you add the little bit from each accessory you can notice the difference though.
In fact, several manufacturers of performance parts, perform these applications, I tube on a nissan, indeed, address, a / c and water pump are not impaired, the load can download anything, usually from 14.4 to 14.3, up , this can compenzar elaborating a pulley for alternator, smaller so it retains the previous relationship ....
But nothing serious, at that time I did it be a car everyday and had a relatively powerful computer audio, nothing serious about average 1000 Watt power, in the end I modified the pulley by not leaving, but with pure battery kinetik no problem ...
SO IS A SAFE MODIFICATION SAFE, I no dubt to do it...
Can I get it for my 1.4 model!!
I'm not sure that the 1.4L and 1.6L share the same crank pulley. If you figure that out we would be more than happy to ship you one.
It looks like it might work. Why don't you measure the inside diameter of your pulley to make sure its the same size.