rabbit how much shipped to K0K 1C0 is it 125 still???
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rabbit how much shipped to K0K 1C0 is it 125 still???
Canada is more expensive, but if you are buying a set and your in canada. you want to talk to northguest47 before me. He bought two sets to get the group buy moving, so he should sell his second set to you.. since your both canadian.
IF you don't hear from him, or he does't want to sell to you, it comes out to $140 shipped to canada.
sflindall26, ever hear from him?
afaik 3 kits still available.
Can you put me down for a kit?
No haven't heard from him yet, going to send him another pm. But consider one sold if I haven't heard from him by next week.
rabbit, also what coilover kit would you recommend to go the lowest and brand wise.
malakaiboi, this is no longer a group buy, kits are sitting at my house.. $125 shipped in US. PAYPAL is aveonetwork@verizon.net
sflindall26, as far as coil overs go.. the lowest would be H&R ultra ultra lows. they would make you subterranean i think but they cost a pretty penny.. I get plenty of drop on mk1 coil overs, If you measure from the ground to the center of the wheel well edge at its highest point, i am at 20.5" in front and 21" in rear. (if someone wants so measure their stock car on stock wheels I would love to know my drop from stock). Anyhow, any brand will work. They ride the same as on a VW. IE, cheaper coils still ride like cheaper coils. They don't ride like the don't belong.. So spend money based on what you want. I am running ROKKOR, at my height it rides like a go cart. I like the feel, its a little rougher than some way more expensive brands. But suitable for me.
Can you hold one for me till Thursday? That's when I get paid
yo just got back from a road trip, forgot my lap top .. Had trouble posting to this forum from a smartphone... anywho i pm'd sflindall i will arrange to send a kit.. haven't received them yet though, going to check post office tomorrow, and will post back
for how much it cost to ship those things, they better be there!