Would the kits still be 125 shipped? I may be interested.. Currently trying to find a nice set of adj. dampening coilovers on the low.
Would the kits still be 125 shipped? I may be interested.. Currently trying to find a nice set of adj. dampening coilovers on the low.
just super duper wanting to make sure that, stock suspension aside.. (ahem) perhaps we have a group of buyers.. for this adapter kit that makes our vehicles slightly superior
they should still come out around $125 shipped if i can help it.. some things fluctuate beyond my control.. but I can't say raw materials have changed in price that much..
I'm getting the end link kit with classics coilovers, sorry
If theirs still 5 people for this, consider me in for at least buying the endlinks.
Last edited by festersays; 05-17-2013 at 12:19 AM.
I would like a kit please!
i am still in on this kit and hoping something works out soon so the work can start
I would like a kit as well please!
Oh snap I think your the first Canadian with coils lol. You should get a minority discount.
i feel like i've sent a kit to canada before... might have been a short shifter though.
if five people put a confirmation in here, (below this post) I will order everything.