I've thought about doing this, but I'm wondering if it will affect the efficiency of my AC. It's hotter than Satan's balls here and since my AC will run you out of the car, I'd rather not hinder its efficiency.
How hard is it to swap? And is 15% really that large of an increase for our cars? I'm honestly asking here. Mine is a 6 Speed Custom Auto so I'm not sure if I'd notice a difference overall?
My RPM's are generally low (about ~780), so would a lower RPM effect idle or how quickly the car warms up in the winter?
Mine appears to be an odd duck in a lot of ways in behaviors compared to other Aveo's, and it has a Custom Ordered Transmission. That's why I'm curious about what this would actually alter in my car specifically.
I must be tired, and/or need to eat something since I was out late and missed dinner. My brain isn't really working at the moment.
Andrew B.