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    Thread: Brand new to this forum, 2006 aveo air issues?

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      bozeman montana
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      Brand new to this forum, 2006 aveo air issues?

      So this is my first time ever being on a forum type of site so I don't totally know what to do haha but yeah, in July I got my first car, my 2006 aveo. Got it off a used car lot. It ran really great except for needing to replace the thermostat. Anyways, where I live winters can get pretty rough. the first day it got super cold my air just stopped working, nothing was coming out of the vents or anything, only sometimes do I hear the fan running but no air still, yet whenever I went over a pretty big bump the air will work until the next time I start up my car. Can anyone help out with this? like could it be my air filter that needs replacing or something more? My apologies if I don't reply very well I have some bad social anxiety haha.

    2. #2
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      sounds like a connection issue, a bad ground, something in the motor itself possibly. When it is used, you don't necessarily know if there is a history of the issue. But its all behind the glove box, is it empty? or are you carrying around a a brick that is whacking your motor every time you hit a bump?

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      bozeman montana
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      Right, yeah my glove box is pretty empty, a few weekends ago I did have my dad take the glove box out to look and see if any wires or anything looked worn or tampered with but from what all he looked at he didn't find anything bad but yeah.. probably something not visible from where he looked.

    4. #4
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      I had those symptoms too, the blower would sometimes not spin, and work at random times while driving. I wound up cleaning all the leaves and other crap that had accumulated around the cage fan. Once that was not caked it has worked great ever since. I thought just changing the cabin filter was good, but I had to drop the blower motor and tons of stuff came out. Made quite a mess lol

    5. The Following User Says Thank You to 06T200 For This Useful Post:

      MetroMPG (12-22-2015)

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