Hi there!
I bought my 2010 Chevy Aveo5 in February of this year - 232000 km on her when I got her (closing in on 246 now). She's granite grey metallic and named Speedy Gonsales.
happy wheels
Since February I've kept a log of all the things I've done to keep her on the road...and the list just gets longer everyday.
I've spent a lot of money on her already, and will continue to do so (cars are money pits) but dammit! I actually kind of dig her! She's already lasted longer than my first car by 3 months (1994 Ford Probe, engine literally fell out after 3 months) and is closing in on my second car (1999 Olds Alero - ate starters, lasted 9 months), she's a wicked colour and compliments my team's colours well

. Just wish her stereo was stronger and using the AC didn't make her freak out.
Sorry if the photos are a bit wonky.