Any news, happypants? 1 month update?
Any news, happypants? 1 month update?
Any updates ?
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Hey guys. After having to move twice in the last 3 months, I haven't really had the funds to start modding yet. I added a dragon ball shifter knob though and cut the shift rod down a little bit. I had to get wheel bearings and struts replaced and it's already sounding like the new wheel bearings are going out and pretty sure I'm gonna need the upstream o2 sensor replaced. It's been a rough couple months but things are starting to pull through for me. I'm ready for the warm weather to come so I can start working on everything I need to lol.
Napdan (02-08-2018)
How are they bearings going out already?!?!?
And how do you know when you need to replace the upstream o2 sensor
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I had the shop do my bearings last time because it was cold out and idk if they did them wrong or what but I'm hearing the slight whirring sound generally associated with bad bearings again. And my check engine light has been coming on and off, and having a little bit irregular idle along with worse gas mileage makes me think the o2 sensor isn't giving my engine proper fuel mixture. Haven't got a chance to scan it yet to be certain though
Napdan (02-09-2018)
Oh man I just got an 11 lt. And I’ve been reading all these things about the our cars and has me a bit worried.
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Also here's my new shifter.
Oh that’s cool af!!!!!
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Honestly I've really enjoyed this car and all of the issues I've had so far has been basic maintenance. I have 83k miles on the car now so it's coming time to get some of the other common issues like timing chain and stuff like that taken care of soon.