Howdy, my name's Derek, and I just got myself a 2009 Aveo.
Prior to my Aveo, I had an '02 Saturn SC2 that blew three flywheels (on an automatic of all things) in 16 months and decided "I'm tired of putting money into this thing", and looked into something else good on gas and inexpensive.
Found mine at an Infiniti dealership with a 5 Speed and 37,000 miles on it for under $8k. Previous owner was a little old asian lady who barely ever drove the thing. A few little scuffs here and there, but it still smells like a new car.
Planning on upgrading the sound system, because the stock one is pretty f-ing terrible. Otherwise my Aveo as barebones as a car can get and I love it. Manual locks, manual windows, no AC, less stuff to break, basically.
Enjoying it thus far, hopefully I will continue to enjoy it!