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    Thread: New Aveo Owner here!

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Oct 2023
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      New Aveo Owner here!

      Just purchased a 5-speed Blue 2009 Aveo LT, 80k miles for $400! crazy steal! happy to see the aftermarket support and still active community on these cars.

      just pulled the resonator pipe and muffler off as they rusted and snapped at the flanges. looking for a replacement kit from the cat back.

      any suggested tips or links would be appreciated! Curious to first steps that have been helpful to other owners.

      thanks yall

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    2. #2
      OEM+ Hellfire's Avatar
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      Jan 2014
      Ontario, Canada
      Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts
      Hey there! Welcome to the forum. It's been a bit quiet around here but I've been trying to be more active lately. From a quick search I found this here.


      I know that's pretty basic but I'm sure there are other sources, I'll see what else I can dig up. I'm still fairly new to car maintenance and modding but eager to learn. I actually did my first oil change tonight and got it right perfectly on the max line. We all start somewhere but anyways welcome.
      V. S. M.
      2008 Chevrolet Aveo
      2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to Hellfire For This Useful Post:

      emoryburd (10-16-2023)

    4. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Oct 2023
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      sweet dude! nice job. yeah we all start somewhere. did you change the oil on your aveo or accord? or maybe a different car?

      ive owed 2 accords, one was an 07 and the other was a 99. the 99 ran better than the 07 surprisingly but i love hondas nevertheless.

      thank you for the link! ill check that out.

    5. #4
      OEM+ Hellfire's Avatar
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      Ontario, Canada
      Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts
      Changed it on the Aveo I've decided to start tinkering more with the Aveo and use the Accord as the "reliable" car that I let the mechanic deal with lol.

      Hondas are great, and the nice thing is that every mechanic knows them. 99 Accords are pretty sweet. I have a friend that had one and slammed it to the ground. You can kind of see it here, although just the front end.

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Views: 110
Size:  290.7 KB

      V. S. M.
      2008 Chevrolet Aveo
      2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6

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