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    1. #11
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by MarkNelsonMovies View Post
      ... We couldn't force it any further, (same for the motor mount bolts) ....
      One thing that's a big player in torquing the harmonic balancer bolt (well, actually any bolt), is lubricant. With a Honda Civic timing belt that I did a few years ago, their doc was very specific about exactly where to apply (and to not apply) oil to the bolt contact surfaces. However, the Aveo doc has no such spec, which adds a huge amount of uncertainty and variability into the process.

      For my Aveo belt jobs, I've applied a very small bit of oil to just the bolt head sleeve, which is the same as the what Honda specifies for the Civic. I was able to get the extra 45 degree torque-to-angle using just a regular 2' bar, so I'm guessing that might be the difference in our results (assuming that you wiped all contact surfaces clean and didn't do any lubrication).

      I can't tell you if the torque you applied is enough to keep it locked in solid. I do know that another forum member had that bolt spin out, but he used an impact tool, so it's impossible to know if there was even the initial 70 ft lbs applied in that case. Personally I'd redo it, but also suspect you'll be fine with it asis.

      Are you also saying you couldn't torque the motor mount bolts to the specifed ft lbs? If so, that would surprise me quite a bit, because those torques are not very high. And it also makes me wonder if there might be something wrong with your torque wrench (reading low/torquing high). Just complete speculation on that, but perhaps it might be a good idea to check your torque wrench accuracy.

    2. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by avguy View Post
      Are you also saying you couldn't torque the motor mount bolts to the specifed ft lbs?
      No, not at all. What I mean is that the Haynes manual said to tighten them too a specific torque, which I did with no problems, and then turn them an additional number of degrees, of which I only got about half.

    3. #13
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by MarkNelsonMovies View Post
      No, not at all. What I mean is that the Haynes manual said to tighten them too a specific torque, which I did with no problems, and then turn them an additional number of degrees, of which I only got about half.
      Ok, now I see why I wasn't understanding what you had written previously.

      I've only seen Aveo torque-to-angle specs for the harmonic balancer bolt and internal engine components, such as head gasket bolts - never for other parts such as motor mounts. And I also was unaware that Haynes manuals exist for any Aveos - every reply on this forum has indicated they are not available (i.e. printed).

      I'm sure that others on this forum would want to know that a Haynes is available for Aveos, but I really don't understand where those torque-to-angle specs came from. Perhaps specs changed with the 2008, versus the '04-06 specs that I'm familiar with. Could you post a pic of that Haynes manual cover, along with the torque specs page you're looking at?

    4. #14
      What's wrong with my car? MarkNelsonMovies's Avatar
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      I got my manual from eBay

      I'll probably end up double checking the crankshaft bolt next time I change the tires. (thinking about putting some winters on)

    5. #15
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      So there's the Haynes manual that doesn't exist! Thanks for the cold hard proof, and I'm going to post a link to this information into a recent thread on that subject.

      AFA the torque specs for the motor mount, there's no distinction made between Aveo Gen 1 and 2, and it appears from the parts catalog that different mounts are used for the 2 gens. So that makes it unclear (to me) which gen this spec is supposed to apply to. But in any case, those Haynes numbers are higher than the GM doc for gen 1, so I'm sure what you did on those mount bolts and nuts is (more than) good enough.

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