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Сейчас не знаю, брат. Уже давно как подал. А ты собственно о какой решетке? И какой год?
Поищи в google pontiac wave grille только ввели свой год. Сначала можешь использовать search на этом сайте.
SEREGGA E N G L I S H. Speak it? Comrade.
Let's ask our Canadian brothers (a.k.a. Mounties) since they have the Pontiac Wave...
Does anyone here from our great northern neighbor know a part number for a T200 Pontiac Wave grille, 2006? I did a quick google search, some are available for sale, but I couldn't find the part number.
Thanks bro!
Here's what I got when I got rid of the Aveo/Barina.
2005 Mazda RX-8, Grand touring, Pearl white, 6 speed manual.
nice, I am guessing $13,000?
Yes, 13,200. 40,000 Miles, Stock HIDs upgraded to 5K HIDs, all V-LED bulbs inside and out. 5K HID high beams also. and 5k HID behind multi-color fog lights (blue when off, yellow when on).... Factory body kit (installed myself to save a lot of money on dealer labor). This car is quicker than I thought...