I have had Ava Rose, my 2008 Chevy Aveo5 LS since 2009 -- that's six years of a lot of change and many journeys! She had around 25,000 miles when I got her and now we're up to about 105,000. This first picture is the only picture I have of her from the beginning. This is a few weeks after I bought her, right before my high school graduation (We've both grown up a lot and I have learned much more about fashion ):
The newest change is a heartbreaking divorce and I was seriously considering trading her in for something else just to rid myself of memories and have a big, immediate change. But I decided to first fix her broken gas tank door and I found this forum when researching how to fix that. I was inspired by all the very cool things you've done with your cars! I started thinking it would be really cool to keep her and fix her up, all on my own.
I have quite a list going of things I need to repair and changes I'd like to make but I know nothing of working on cars. I've never even changed her oil on my own (That's next on my list!). But I feel like this will be a good challenge and a great project to work on and keep myself busy with. As I begin working on this big list, I will definitely be turning to all of your tutorials and help. This is a great resource! Thanks everyone and I'll be seeing you around. And here's Ava Rose now; you'll see that her tires are high on the list as well