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I've been noticing this too. I just bought my 2010 Aveo a few weeks ago and have been tracking my MPG. What I've found out reletively quickly can best be summerized yesterday. I took my Daughter to Port Huron for Nutcracker rehersal. There are two way to get up there from my house, one is along the water, and the other is taking I-94 for most of the trip. The water route is a little farther 42 mile compared to the high way which was 36 miles, and of course it took my an over 10 mins longer the water way. But the MPG was a huge differents. The Water way avg 39 MPH I got 45.6 MPG. On the High Way I Avg 48 MPH and only got 35.1 MPG.
I was replaying to the following post
NYChevooRe: Aveo MPG: official fuel economy ratings 2004-2011 (U.S. EPA)
My 04 sedan which does 90% highway driving has always gotten 30mpg. I've always been happy with that considering my other vehicle is a Suburban.
New to the system and didn't see the replay to Quote option