This is WINTER. That will affect your MPG with the government mandated fuel blending BS for winter driving.
Aveos are notoriously slow to warm up to operating temperature. During that time, in colder weather, you are losing MPG while the car is warming up.
There is probably nothing wrong with your car. Your "half tank test of city mileage after the filter change gave 24 mpg" is not only normal - in fact it can't ever get much better than that.
As for your "mixture of city and freeway driving returned 31.4" that also makes sense as being normal, because the moment you get off the highway and return to any speed below 45 MPH, your MPG will be 24 MPG at best. The Aveo is a car of extremes in MPG.
Highway = 36+, City = 24 at most.
On the highway the 'sweet spot' of peak MPG is between 65-70. At speeds above 70 MPH you will also lose MPG. The car
is what it is. We can't change what it is. Understand?