could be. are you tracking it on a tank by tank basis and getting the average or are you just going off your last fillup?, i have put cloase to 100,000 km on my aveo this year, so i have seen a few tanks of gas go in it, and in the summer i got 36-39mpg on the high way, on my latest trip today i barley hit 25 mpg, its just a fact of life and i accept it
Pretty much everything I would bring up has be mentioned already. I'm living one province over so the climate is the same. I also used to own a Saturn and am disappointed in the Aveo in comparison. It's sad to see how little things have changed in 20 years, but it's all about emissions and not necessarily fuel economy.
You will see an improvement in summer. These cars do not warm up worth crap. The winter fuel is also not on par with the summer fuel, I guess that's why it is $.30/L cheaper than it was in summer which kind of offsets. I've tracked my mileage since I bought mine last January and I can pretty much pinpoint the week where the fuel station made their switch. All things considered the reduced price with increased consumption, operating costs are lower for me in winter.
Wind is an absolute mileage killer with these things, if it is anything but a mostly direct tail wind it will go down. Head winds are brutal. Even rain and snow causes a reduction.
It's unclear to me exactly what you mean with this one. Are you saying that you feel emission systems should have been improved over the last 20 years, resulting in better mpg (with the same emission standards)? Or are you complaining that we could have better fuel economy just by eliminating a portion of the emission systems, and lowering the standards? Or were you trying to say something other than one of those 2 things?
What I'm saying is that in an age where the whole global warming save the environment crap is so prevalent that it seems that companies would rather modify a vehicle to meet emission requirements rather than reduce the overall fuel consumption. I really feel like there isn't much reason otherwise that the overall fuel consumption in small cars hasn't improved a whole lot in the last 30 years.
You're making it sound like the auto makers have a choice, but I believe they're just doing what they have to, in order to meet government requirements. And I don't think they have much wiggle room with a gasoline engine. Sure, they could probably all do a bit better, but by how much?
Now, Kevin's comment is a different story entirely. If they start selling a reasonably priced diesel in the US that gets 70+ mpg, and meets our emissions standards, then I'm getting into line to buy one. Sure, there used to be a big cold weather problem with diesels, but it sounds like they've got that under control these days.
And just one final thing about your "save the environment crap" comment. You're entitled to your opinion just like everyone is, but personally I think the clean air act was one of the best things the leaders of this country ever did. I gladly pay more for goods and transportaion, in order to breathe substantially cleaner air![]()
You can regulate cars all you want and while I do agree that what they have done is great for the air I breathe, but did you know that in the average summer of cutting your grass your lawn mower puts out more air damaging gases than your car does all year, and the electric or battery powered mower/car is not the answer. That electricity still has to come from somewhere.
Yours maybe, but not mine - I use a Fiskars push mower
In my future world, all electricity would come from hydro (including tidal), geo, solar, and wind. And please don't tell me how small a percentage that is right now, and how it can't be done. We sent astronauts round-trip to the moon 10 years affer every scientist in the world said that Kennedy was out of his mind. We can do nearly anything if the mind and body are willing. I will probley never live to see even the start of this, but hopefully my kids will. JMHOand the electric or battery powered mower/car is not the answer. That electricity still has to come from somewhere.