You can't be tracking it right. There's no possible way a 1.6l gets 17mpg unless there's a huge problem with the fuel injection system.
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You can't be tracking it right. There's no possible way a 1.6l gets 17mpg unless there's a huge problem with the fuel injection system.
Or driving stupid hardQuote:
Originally Posted by exodus
who are you to say they aren't tracking it right?Quote:
Originally Posted by exodus
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate gas mileage. I've seen at least 5 people of various websties complaining of the exact same gas mileage.
An ECU re-learn should fix the problem. It sounds like it's running pig rich for no reason. There is no reason it should be running like that, so it's an error with calculation or an electrical error.
i dont think im doing it wrong.....ususally i go about 260 miles on one tank, thats not much, but then again i do drive freeways and streets combined which is really bad for mileage
lol yea subachad was getting 17 mpg at the track
I'd say there's a huge difference between driving on the track and driving in the city. I don't care how hard anyone says they "push it."Quote:
Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
i was agreeing with you that there is no way you can be getting 17 mpg daily driving when you get 17 mpg at the trackQuote:
Originally Posted by exodus
whatever suggestions you have for fixing it kindly tell gm, because they will not listen to me/