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    Thread: Consuming a lot of gasoline vs MPG

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Thumbs down Consuming a lot of gasoline vs MPG

      I have an 2007 Aveo and is going 145 miles on 12 galons of gasoline. Octane level in my country (Dominican Republic) is actually very low.

      Any suggestions or facts i should consider?

    2. #2
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      I would make sure the air filter is not clogged up. Also depending on where you live, rodents seem to find the air intake 'resonator box' a very comfortable home and may have built a nest inside the air intake path causing poor drivability and bad mileage. This is a common issue for folks living in the countryside. Other than that, easy things to check are tire pressure, dragging brakes - or possibly a clogged up exhaust can all cause poor mileage. More complicated stuff like engine dynamics, driving conditions, weather, gas quality and many other variables play a part.

    3. #3
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Micape30 View Post
      I have an 2007 Aveo and is going 145MPG on 12 galons of gasoline. Octane level in my country (Dominican Republic) is actually very low.

      Any suggestions or facts i should consider?
      Well it's time for a math lesson. MPG stands for miles per gallon. So if your total millage on one tank of gas is 145 and your tank holds 12 gallons then write

      145 miles
      12 gallons

      Since the above mathy thing has mixed units they can't divide but you can divide the numbers that comes to 11.15 so once reduced it looks like this:

      11.15 miles
      ----------- or you can write it like this 11.15 miles per gallon.
      1 gallon

      Bam! Math is easy!

      Oh yeah keep track of millage between fill ups and keep records and check your air filter.
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    4. #4
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Effect unless there's something wrong with the car, then driving environment & driving style have the biggest effect.

      EG: if (A) it's an automatic transmission, and (B) you're running air conditioning full-time, and (C) driving short trips in urban conditions, with (D) aggressive driving techniques.... that's a worst case scenario.

      Track your next couple of fill-ups and report back.

      Track distance travelled & amount of fuel to completely re-fill the tank each time.

    5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MetroMPG For This Useful Post:

      AndrewButler05 (12-14-2015),Daox (11-09-2015)

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