Gas....why i bought the aveo..
Gas prices goin about takin it in the pooper!! about a month ago when i got my car, my neighbors we're like.."dood, that car is TOTALLY not need a truck or something with a pipe bumper and 40" mudders!!" i told em yah well, when gas hits 5 bucks a gallon in may, you'll all be tradin in your trucks n buyin a car like this one..well...just today, one of those so neighbors came over n asked me details about my car and what he could expect to pay for Considering how far i drive each day, and what it costs to drive the aveo VS my truck, The aveo is actualy paying for itself AND the insurance all in all, im driving, paying for, and keeping full coverage insurance on it alll for free. haha...pshh...jokes on them! lol