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    Thread: Low fuel light must not work

    1. #21
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      So I have two 2006 Aveos, and still have not found this mystery light: WHERE is this low fuel light? I just changed all the bulbs in the cluster on my LS and I was not able to ID any bulb that would be the low fuel light. So I assume it is hidden inside the guage housing?

      I used mostly the 194LL bulbs, and #37 bulbs for the smaller bulbs for indicators, high beam lamp, etc. Still have not found a bulb for the oddo, so if anyone knows the number please share. Have yet to find them documented anywhere, not even GM seems to know.

    2. #22
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Low fuel light is between the tach and speedo, pretty much right in the middle.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    3. #23
      Should I keep it? rwags's Avatar
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      So from what I can tell from the pictures there are 4 194 bulbs for the tach and spedo, and it looks like 6 more for the other instrument lights such as turn signals, brake, hi-beam and so forth... Just may do this very soon, since the dash lights are more dim than what I'm used to.

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