The clock light disappears and time reverts to 1:00 when any of the doors are opened. This is happening more frequently....Any solutions suggested? Can it be a relay/or fuse?
The clock light disappears and time reverts to 1:00 when any of the doors are opened. This is happening more frequently....Any solutions suggested? Can it be a relay/or fuse?
Mine is 2004 5doors and when I turn up the fog light, clock disappears too.
While running on the way, clock reverts to 1:00 but somethime it re-disappears..
But the doors dont affect to my clock
and I dont know the solution :s
I have another clock in my radio but still annoying
If I find a solution to my problem I will be in touch with you. I just picked the car with only 115, owner. Excellent shape. Will see my mechanic on Tuesday.
So does mine. any aftermarket products (Radio, alarm system) in it?
Hi dthev,
You need to replace the clock module. Since yours is a 2007, your warranty should cover it. I pulled Chewy's history from the dealer and found that it had been replaced twice, once under warranty and once by the ower. (That was the only problem, that I found on the history. They had milked the warranty for all it was worth.)Chewy's died again about a month ago, and when I replaced it, I took it apart and found it had an internal dead short. They all eventually die, they're all the same and yet a little different. Mine shorted out with the DRL module. That's ok, for me running lights are pointless. If I'm driving at night, it's dark enough to turn the lights on. lol
Mine would randomly reset to 1:00 and then randomly go off and on at RANDOM times, which made my mild OCD absolutely NUTS!
The Clock Module failing is a global problem with the Aveo's, the constant hot-cold-hot-cold of the dash in the sun slowly fries them. This is why I now use a sun shade, even with tinted windows it still makes a difference. It takes even less time for my A/C to cool it down, and I know I'm preserving my dash and the Clock.
Best of luck,
Many thanks for your replay. I will contact a GM Dealer on Tues. next week.
Thank you Anndrew!
I dont know how to replace the clock module, it's not necessary for me and I think my warranty is expired, I will do nothing
Are you sure, they're VERY simple to change. I bought mine off eBay for $30. It's one connector and 2 screws to remove the panel with the hazard switch to change it. The two trim panels on either side of the radio and HVAC controls gently pop off to reveal the screws.
It's such a simple fix, you'd be silly not to change it. It's not like you have to take the whole car & dash apart. lol