Saw this one in Google Alerts. This is cool - a local car dealer has been encouraging kids to go to school by sponsoring this contest for a few years.
From June 10/2010:
And from June 14...Go to school, win a new car
SANTA ANA – One student with perfect attendance in Santa Ana Unified will win a new car Saturday as part of an incentive program to discourage absenteeism.
Students from the district's nine high schools with perfect attendance from the first day of classes in the fall through the end of May are eligible. Officials will randomly select one student from that group on Saturday during a drawing at the dealership.
[Whoa... gotta love the odds:]
About 300 students are eligible.
Last year's winner:
from: ... udent.html
High school freshman wins new car
Godinez Fundamental High School freshman Armando Muñoz won a new car Saturday during a raffle for students with perfect attendance.
Muñoz, who still doesn't have a driver's license, won a 2010 Chevy Aveo, valued at about $13,000.
Guaranty Chevrolet owner Bruce Hamlin announces Armando Munoz as the winner of the 2010 Chevy Aveo. Munoz is a 9th grader at Godinez Fundamental High School.