Hey guys! Been browsing around and you guys are an amazing resource! So I helped my friend with her '06 Aveo that's been parked for the last 6 months. Initially she had a coolant leak, then she began having ignition issues where she would start the car and it would crank, but over time take longer and longer to fire. After she got a flat, she parked it.

Fast forward to today. Tire is fixed, and the coolant leak was a heater hose (good god what a pain) and a cracked thermostat housing. However the ignition issue... So I tested fuel pressure, nearly 60 PSI at the rail (while she cranked it, attempting to run) replaced the battery with a brand new one and swapped the plugs and wires. Her valve cover gasket was replaced after the oil had nearly submerged all 4 spark plugs, so that was cleaned up. Didn't fix it however. I replaced the starter, still nothing. At this point I'm doubting it's the ignition switch, but possibly the CKP or CMP sensor(s)? Maybe a bad ECM? (No idea how to test for that). I refuse to let this car beat me, but it's doing a good job. All fuses were fine as well. We were able to get the car to turn on for a bit after jumping it from my car for awhile, but it died shortly after disconnecting the cables. During that time, the car was so weak that even flooring it she could only get the RPMs to around 1.5k. There's also no CEL, but she said it's been that way for awhile.

Not sure if I've left anything out, but tried to give you the whole picture. Any input is SERIOUSLY appreciated. Thank you for your time!