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    Thread: 06 Aveo5

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      06 Aveo5


      So I have an O6 Aveo5. I know they're not powerful cars, but when I first bought it a month and a half ago with 70,000 KM it had some beast in it. Now it seems really weak, especially the acceleration. In 3rd, 4th and 5th gear no matter how hard you slam down the pedal, it has the same rate of acceleration.. And it's not very much, it's now got 81,000 KM. I'm taking it in for an oil change soon, but does anyone have any ideas? I have a thought maybe the transmission is dropping a bit.. I did a few reverse to 1st. So before my engine and power-train warranty is up I was thinking about taking it in and having them replace the transmission.

      The other thing I notice is when I turn off the car, it'll make a drip, drip, drip sound... Possibly a leaky water pump? I've heard of that.

      Is there any pre-cautions I should look at when I take it into GM? I'm a student in high-school, and still paying off the car... So I wanna make sure I'm doing what I can to make the car last - I'm not gonna abuse it anymore either.

    2. #2
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      its drive by wire, so slamming the pedal is just like flipping the switch, there will be a slight delay and a calculated rise in rpm. I'm not sure that is what you are experiencing, i think maybe the tps, or throttle body needs done, its a more common issue.

      The drip drip noise? comes from where? how loud is it? could just be moisture on the exhaust, but your about due for a timing belt, so do the water pump at the same time, and get it all at once.

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