I bought a used 09 Aveo5 around 7 months ago with 130k kms on it. The seller had installed a brand new battery days before I purchased it. All electronics were operational when they sold it to me, with the exception of the rear passenger window getting less power than the other three. A month or two later I lost all power to said window. I also started to notice the clock would be off by several hours and, in the same display, the two airbag indicator lights were often dim, flashing erratically, or not lit at all. I then lost control of fan speed for the AC and heat. At first all speed settings would blow the same as “1” or a little less but eventually stopped working all together. I had a few instances when my cruise would not set or loss of power to the sunroof but both happened only a handful of times and usually didn’t last long.
As time went on I began to notice the cock resetting to 1:00 nearly every time I started it and the airbag indicators were off or extremely dim at all times.
A few weeks ago I hadn’t driven or started the car for about 30 hours and when I went to start it after it was completely dead. Had the battery checked which confirmed it was near new. Around the same time my break lights were intermittently not working, one press they lit up the next the didn’t. This only lasted a few days and hasn’t happened since.
After digging into the forums here, and doing some other research, I learned of the faulty panel under the dash that runs hot and fries electronics. I’m guessing this is the root of most of my issues. Was hoping some of you have had similar problems and maybe had it repaired.
Did you have trouble finding a mechanic to fix it?
Was the part expensive/ hard to get?
Any insight would be much appreciated!