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    Thread: 2005 Aveo Hatchback Manual Transmission Mystery

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      2005 Aveo Hatchback Manual Transmission Mystery

      I just purchased a 2005 Aveo Hatchback 'striped' vehicle (no frills) and after filling with fuel when I:
      1. Press the clutch in
      2. Start the engine
      3. Shift to 1st gear
      4. let the clutch out Nothing happens, it's like the driveline is disconnected (no driveline in Aveo), Shifting to Reverse still nothing, shifting to 1st again and working the clutch - nothing, turned the car off.

      Started car again and everything worked! Same sequence: Pushed clutch in, started car, shifted to 1st, it worked!
      Since this is a manual transmission I don't have a TCU so why did this happen?

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Just read you other thread on your new purchase. Sometimes it takes a while before the hydraulics pump for the clutch. The first two pumps is enough to get it going.

      Please do not power off, firmware update pending.....

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