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    Thread: 2005 Aveo key replacement

    1. #1
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      2005 Aveo key replacement

      Hi guys.
      Daughters Aveo was stolen and partly disassembled by her ex bf, the clown.
      The key is missing, and the ignition busted.

      I replaced the whole ignition housing with key from a wrecker.

      Here is where things get weird....car SHOULD have UA5 theft protection according to dealer. The new key has 2 buttons for door lock/unlock, same as her old one did.

      1) is there any way to link the new key to the car without going to the dealer? I do have a OBD2 Bluetooth dongle if there is a software that can do this. Main goal is to get the buttons to work on the key.

      2) I thought UA5 theft prevention would not allow the car to start if the wrong key is in the ignition???? However it does crank, catches for a second (definitely firing), but shuts off as soon as I release the key from the crank position. Is that normal? Car wont stay running....

      Thanx for any help guys!

    2. #2
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Quick update on Item 2: I followed the relearn procedure (key on for 10 mins, off for 10 secs, repeat 3 times), and now the car starts and runs.

      Still the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the key do nothing though, is there a different procedure for those? Or dealer programming only?

    3. #3
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      As I recall, the keyless entry receiver in the car is usually a separate module that listens for the correct signal from the key. The only way to program those is apparently through the dealer. What you programmed was likely the key transponder, but that has no relation to the keyless entry features.

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