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    Thread: 2008 Aveo5 hatckback Coolant Hose Leak?

    1. #1
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      2008 Aveo5 hatckback Coolant Hose Leak?

      Hi Everyone,

      I'm a poor college student and tonight when I got home I noticed steam coming from under the hood. I turned off the car and opened the hood and noticed sweet-smelling steam and a water-coolant mixture coming from a hose that looks like it comes from the engine and goes into the radiator. I am attempting to insert a photo of the part in question.

      What do I do about this? Is it safe to put water in the radiator, go to an auto parts store, and do this in my parking lot at my apartment complex? If I take it to a mechanics shop Im sure they'll overcharge me. it doesn't look like a complicated fix but I don't know where to get a new hose or what tools I will need. Does anyone have experience with replacing one of these? What is the part called? I highlighted it in red.

      Thanks for your help and recommendations!

      Name:  engine.jpg
Views: 101540
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      Last edited by KickerBoy; 10-23-2014 at 05:56 AM. Reason: misspellings

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      That's the hose from the thermostat housing to the radiator. It's fairly unusual for heater hoses to leak nowadays, but I guess it can happen. In any case, you need to determine exactly where the leak is coming from before removing anything. Dry everything up completely first with a rag. Refill the overflow tank to the mark, and idle with the that cap off, in order to get the air out, and also turn the heater up all the way while you're doing this. You will need to watch that hose area continuously, looking for any sign of wetness. Also run your fingers underneath the area because the leak may be out of sight. Watch the entire hose, including the clamps.

    3. #3
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      Kicker, providing it is the culprit, that hose should be pretty easy to replace in your car port. If it still has the spring clamps you can use pliers to remove it, or if normal hose clamps you just need a screwdriver. Make sure the engine is cooled down. I would think a local auto parts store should carry the upper hose. If you still have the plastic thermostat housing, now might be a good time to replace it as well, this is a known spot to find leaks. Just need a 12mm socket, ratchet and a short extension and you can remove it as well, once you determine the source of the leak.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      06T200 you were right. Today I went to O'Reilly and got the upper radiator hose and replaced it. the hose came a little longer so i had to cut it with box cutters to make it fit. I added more of the correct coolant mixture and it's back up and running! i was scared that the thermostat coupler might have broken? Some threads say it's plastic but mine was metal so the hose was for sure the issue. Thanks both of you for the help

    5. #5
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Quote Originally Posted by KickerBoy View Post
      06T200 you were right. Today I went to O'Reilly and got the upper radiator hose and replaced it. the hose came a little longer so i had to cut it with box cutters to make it fit. I added more of the correct coolant mixture and it's back up and running! i was scared that the thermostat coupler might have broken? Some threads say it's plastic but mine was metal so the hose was for sure the issue. Thanks both of you for the help
      Thanks for posting this, but if you you're still checking this thread can you examine the hose and find out exactly what happened to it? As I said, it's really unusual to have hoses go - I have all original hoses on my 12 year old van, and also on both '05 and '06 Aveos. So it would be helpful to know what's up with this one. Perhaps there was a run of defective hoses in the '08, so anything you find out might help others.

    6. #6
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I have an '08 aveo. My upper radiator hose went just last night where it clamps to the engine. Was squirting a tiny jet of coolant on my engine. Should be a pretty easy fix.

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