My 2009 has no cruise control, auto trans not shifting to higher gears properly (seems to delay shifting), and the check engine light is on. ALL happened together. Is this a Speed Sensor and if so where is it? Thank you for any insite and help.
My 2009 has no cruise control, auto trans not shifting to higher gears properly (seems to delay shifting), and the check engine light is on. ALL happened together. Is this a Speed Sensor and if so where is it? Thank you for any insite and help.
If the CEL is on, there should be one or more OBD codes set. Take it to Autozone or one of the other parts stores that read codes for free. Sometimes they will even have counter guys who know what they're doing and perhaps tell you what the likely repair for the code(s) will be. If not, post the code(s) here and maybe one of us can help you, making sure you list multiple codes in the order they were scanned because that can often be important information to know.
I got the codes In order they are P0722 (out put shaft speed sensor) then P0507 (Idle Air Control valve) and P0700 (Transmission control system malfunction) Is the speed sensor expensive?
Sounds like you need the spark plug boot recall performed....
Already had the boot recall done in may of 2012
Boots have nothing to do with the codes that were read today either
That code says no signal from the output speed sensor, so that means the wiring and connector are also in the mix. Was any work done in that area of the vehicle recently that might have done something to a wire? In any case, take a look at the connector and wire first. If all of that looks ok, then yes it's probably the sensor. Most of the time I would just hang something like this on, but these things are showing up as bigger $$ than most sensors. I don't have a FSM, but maybe someone who does can post the spec to test these things. Wouldn't want to spend that much and then find out it wasn't the problem after all![]()
Is it called a Transmission Speed Sensor, or Output Speed Sensor, or Out put Shaft Speed Sensor or Vehicle speed sensor Ive found all of these for many diferent prices
One other thing I failed to mentio is that all atthe same time the check engine light came one, the speedometer stopped working, the cruise control stopped working and the auto trans started delaying up shifting(stayed down though RPMs reved up)
Can some one recommend a cheap place to purchase one of these what ever sensors (Like I said in my last post it seems to have many different names)
You've been given very good advice about getting to the root of the problem. Do some testing and make the repair, or visit a friend who is tooled to do so. Where is the signal stopping?
The cheaper you get the sensor for, the more of a chance the replacement part could be junk. If you just wanna throw parts, the dealer is the place to go or you could be doing it again... otherwise, eBay or Amazon should get you started. Cross reference the factory p/n for best results (it could be cast into or printed on the sensor itself.)
If you go that route, you still have to remove it once to check the p/n, put it back in, wait for shipping, etc...
How much is your time worth to you? --evenings and weekends are billable at time-and-a-half IMHO.
-The Krusty Mechanic![]()
My time my time It is not my time it is the time I spend on the honey do list which is the most precious of time there is I try to do all the repairs on the Aveo and also on my '78 Nova much easier towork on of course As far as price goes the dealer price I was given was over $300 and AZ Advance and Oreilly NApa etc were all over $250 then I tried Rock and Amazon and they both came in under $200