Originally Posted by
Blue Torpedo
Hi brothers and sisters of the forum,
I am in desperate need of advice on how to do a repair. Under normal circumstances I would be great with a wrench but I have been off of work on total disability due to a laundry list of health problems took away my independence and worse my ability to reason and comprehend the little things that come with car ownership. I am not mentally handicapped or anything permant but until a series of operations begin and end I will be having trouble which also includes a bad case of double vision due to pressure on my optic nerves. This isnt a constant problem but when it sets in I feel like both of my eyes are being pulled into each other, like forced to stare across the others field of vision creating a strain pain unlike anything I have experienced in my 33 years on Earth as it is strange as much as it is painful after a while. I will hopefully make a full recovery for the sake of my beautiful and patient fiance as well as the guys at work and my extended family. I hope this does not get taken out of context and taken for what it is: An opportunity to introduce a little bit about myself and why I am unable to figure this out myself. I dont think we need to discuss it further, we all have problems and I am not special or exempt. It is just my turn to pay dues to my maker for the great life thus far.
Here is the issue:
(NOTE: I have all power tools, air tools, big compressor, etc... and what I dont have I can get on loan)
I have a 2010 Aveo LS 4 Door 1.6L and over the course of several months of driving on our county roads that are finally repaired after being destroyed from the weather and heavy trucks/tractors, my rear shocks blew out and so did the mounts. Both sides in the rear. Here is what I feel. The car bounces in the rear like a pogo stick all the way to the snubbers or whatever and there is a lot of rattle in the trunk. Upon opening the trunk I found the carpet on both sides to be torn open and a shock piston with a nut on top and a washer on top of a rubber bushing underneath that nut on top. The shock just moves all around with no mounting left at all. The mount itself up under the wheel well looks great minus the missing center of it. The 2 bolts are still tight and there is no bent parts of the mount on either side. Both sides look identical and act identical. So I went and got 2 of the Monroe #5794 shocks and 2 Monroe #905981 Shock Mounting kits.
The kits are one concern. They only have a mount with rubber bushing installed, a half dollar sized washer and another rubber bushing that is not attached to anything. I noticed the Moog Mounting Kit K80908 had two other washers and 2 new bolts as well that comes with it but I dont have the money for that brand with our financial situation. Anybody knkw the size of those bolts and washers and where I would place the washers? And to be honest, I could save more but times are hard is all, I could get it instead of fast food one night or stopping for that cup of coffee every day since its only $15 more or so. I could afford it but I dont have time to redeem my choices. I have to have this fixed yesterday and I bought what I hope will get me by. I have 77,000 for those wondering so wont be the last time.
I hear the 5794 has a problem with too much overall length especially when overtightened and washers help remedy that so I assumed that was why they come with the new Moog kit. One other question is the top nut of the shock and how I remove it and put it back on when I install a new shock. I have not heard much about how to do any of this but I am goibg to just try my best. Any help with the above questions is greatly appreciated and I will do my best to pay it forward with any advice or whatnot that I can offer in the future when I am better and more like myself again.
I am a researching fool but just had trouble finding actual facts as to why this all happened and if I caused any permanent damage to my car or did that bushibg just break free of the mount and add to the problem of broken shocks leaving me with a rattling pogo stick.
Thank everybody in advance and I am going to lay down for a few hours until I feel a little better then I will back the avel in, fire up the Dayton and get to work. A walk thru would be appreciated since I cant find one. Things to watch for. Etc. Things I may need to buy for this kit. Anything you think may help. I have appts. come Monday so this gives me leas than 48 hours to finish up. I will do it too. Hopefully with all the help anyone can spare.
Thank you, members and Mods if this is unacceptable or in the wrong place could you please show it where to go? Thank you very much all.
Blue Torpedo (with the kangaroo butt... Hop, Hop, Hop, SLAM!