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    Thread: Ac Issues 2009

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      Ac Issues 2009

      I have a 2009 Aveo . I replaced the thermostat and housing last year. Suddenly the A.C. does not work . The compressor kicks in , all fuses and relays seem good. Freon levels are ok . The coolant hoses get warm and seems like flow but they never feel really pressurized . I burped air out of the system as far as I can tell . This one has me puzzled . Also changed the cabin filter last year . Any help or advice would be appreciated . Thanks!

    2. #2
      Should I keep it?
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      Is the car blowing hot air? Even at night? When you twist the Temp nob, is there different levels of heat or is it consistent?

    3. #3
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      When you turn to HEAT it gets hotter , when I turn to A.C. it's warm air . You can tell there is a difference between hot and cold , just doesn't get cold like it should . Thanks !

    4. #4
      Should I keep it?
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      Have you checked your air filter and cabin air filter? Restricted air will not only make your car run harder but also wont give you that cool air! I know I got to replace both haha Doing that Monday!

    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpyder View Post
      Suddenly the A.C. does not work . The compressor kicks in , all fuses and relays seem good. Freon levels are ok
      This usually means the refrigerant level is low, i.e. there's air in the system. I know you said you purged the air, but it still sounds like there's air in there. Air compresses OK, and gets hot on the hi-pressure side, but it doesn't get cold when expanding to the low pressure side. The air in the system has to be replaced with propane or some other refrigerant.

    6. #6
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Purging air from the cooling system is needed / normal when the cooling system is opened up ( as in when you replaced the tstat ) .

      Did you open up the A/C system ? If so , it must be vacuumed down .

      You should have 2 hoses going to the A/C compressor . While the compressor is running normally , one gets HOT , the other should get cold . Once you verify the compressor clutch is engaging , if the hoses do not get HOT & cold , respectively , there is a good chance you are low on refrigerant .

      Please report back .

      God bless

    7. #7
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      Hi Silver - You want the AC out of my 2011 Aveo? I can't use it because it really really slows down my car. I have to turn it off to be able to get my car going after a stop, or going up a hill. Don't dare try to pass anyone when my AC is on. So not worth it!

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      I'm having flashbacks of what happened to mine.


      I deduced on mine that the low speed fan resistor died and the A/C system cooked itself. The bad news is that I had to replace almost everything to get it back working. Not for the faint hearted. I hope this isn't what happened to yours.

    9. #9
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      if this happened at the exact same time when you were changing thermostat . possibility pinched, cut or disconnected a wire to a crucial AC circuit..although I'mthat familar wire mine just yet cuz it is still not cooling like it should, but i'm starting to think thats as good as its gonna get..my guess is still moisture in system...firestone boys claim there was a leak...qouted me $2000 needed to change pretty much every part...so i played along...for a short time...parts were going to take couple weeks to get in....so i said i'll come back then...they had already evacuated system....i had no idea why....i thot there was to much freon in system...low side was very hi....but that was the only way it would cool at all....any way...they refilled it to proper level....and low and behold after pulling away...it started working like it was suppose to...hi speed fan kicked on...it got ice cold just sitting in traffic on 100* days..a first for me...first summer for me....but didn't last long...two weeksmaybe....then back to only getting cold on days 90* or less...thats how it was when i bought it last year...100* yesterday....works with fan on low....any higher speed loses temp quickly....so windows down and 60mph...im still baffled as to why....blockage?? cpu controls everything on it...either pressure must be just right or flow temp just right...this keeps from burning up compressor...im going to try evacuating again next year....still could be moisture....good luck with yours....100k...LXV ..timing belt this winter....oil in coolant....90% guess from oil cooler....my fix after buying all new parts....last ditch effort two $3 bottles of ....Bars Leak one seal...i couldnt believe it...no more spots on garage floor.....im still keeping new cooler and tubes ...just in case.....oil pressure sending unit prone to fail.....replace quickly if it ACDELCO....borg warner lifetime warranty....i lost a full qt in just 40 miles....i dont worry bout rust now...new undercoating...

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by ronna View Post
      Hi Silver - You want the AC out of my 2011 Aveo? I can't use it because it really really slows down my car.
      Hey, that's life with A/C on a small engine! Don't give up. I turn my A/C off at a red light, then on again after I get rolling. It's a small price to pay for economy. PS: I don't mind because I'm old enough to remember that cars didn't have A/C in the old days, and it was murder on hot days.

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