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    Thread: Acceleration, rough idling and startup issue

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Acceleration, rough idling and startup issue

      So I was out driving my 04 Aveo and while I was sitting at a stoplight the check engine light came on. This was accompanied by a major decrease in acceleration and rough idling. Fortunately I was close to home so I managed to limp it back to my driveway but now the car will not start. It turns over and I can feel the engine trying to start but not quite making it. Has anyone had a similar problem or any suggestions to what it might be?

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dvor View Post
      So I was out driving my 04 Aveo and while I was sitting at a stoplight the check engine light came on. This was accompanied by a major decrease in acceleration and rough idling. Fortunately I was close to home so I managed to limp it back to my driveway but now the car will not start. It turns over and I can feel the engine trying to start but not quite making it. Has anyone had a similar problem or any suggestions to what it might be?
      Any codes? Did the timing belt break. Go get an ODBII Bluetooth reader and use your smart phone.
      Please do not power off, firmware update pending.....

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Luckily the timing belt seems to be intact, though I know the early Aveos did have problems with them. I'll have to get one of those readers since I have no other way to get any codes short of having it towed to a dealership and paying out close to $100 for that.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Finally got around to getting the reader.

      I got the following codes


      Unconfirmed P0300

      I was able to start it again by jumping from my friend's car, but I haven't taken it driving anywhere yet, I may do that later today and see if it is still limping along. I also replaced the spark plug wires as the last time I changed the plugs the ends came loose.

    5. #5
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      GM TSB #05-06-01-030D says this set of codes may indicate valves are not sealing properly, and need to be replaced. But this is just one of likely multiple possibilities, and you should do a compression and leak down test prior to making any repairs, in order to confirm that's actually what's wrong with your Aveo.

    6. #6
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Well I started the car up and drove it around my neighborhood some. It seems like the slushy acceleration and rough idling is over, though the engine makes a popping noise as it runs. I'll see if it gets better as it runs or if it gets worse.

      Also, can anyone identify this part:

      Name:  20150814_163659.JPG
Views: 3504
Size:  278.1 KB

      I accidentally broke it off while probing the engine and need to get a replacement.

    7. #7
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Thats the PCV Valve - if it broke off in your hands it might be the source of the vacuum leak that making your car run like crap. Check the rubber ends of those hard plastic lines above your hand in the picture for cracks too.

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