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    Thread: after recall spark plugs

    1. #1
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      after recall spark plugs

      here are some views of the new sparkplugs installed for the recall these have about 1000 miles on them.....these are for you sparkplug readers to view. Can anyone tell me if these are the after recall boots on this coil pack because the dielectric grease I had put in there is still in there on the boots which it would seem to me should not be in there if the boots were changed as per the recall.....the pic looking down into the boots you can see the dielectric grease/white stuff which I put in there to try and keep it running...maybe GM customer service could help me out here, have these boots been changed or not ?

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      Last edited by HeavyDuty; 08-08-2012 at 05:20 AM.

    2. #2
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I tried to buy new boots today so I could compare them to the boots that are on this coil....funny thing is they told me boots don't come seperate you have to buy the whole coil...this isn't looking to good guys. Car recalled for new sparkplug boots and sparkplugs car goes in for work comes out with new plugs and my old dielectric grease still in the boots that can't be bought separate from the coilpack. I am not suggesting the recall work wasn't done.....I will continue this investigation further and provide updates as they become available.

      Here are some more fancy pics for you plugreaders out there....these are a set of tested BKR7IEX-NGK, installed cold, driven for 1/4 mile and removed and photographed. I like the point of color change, it's almost perfect. I am going to send an email off to NGK to see if they will recommend them for the Aveo, I did already waiting for a response now. One heat range colder and drop the extended tip, gap down to .34-.35. If you read NGK tec info, if your using ethanol blended gas and a highflow airfilter such as K&N they suggest going to a colder than stock plug they do they do !
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      Last edited by HeavyDuty; 08-13-2012 at 09:04 AM.

    3. #3
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      Call up the dealer and ask exactly what should have been replaced.

    4. #4
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I called GM Canada today and actually got someone there this time...I was given the valve adjustment TSB number for the 2009 1.6L which is 2076951.... various shims available for lash adjustment and she said the TSB had the procedure to check the lash. I just need to get it from a dealer. A rainy day project....

      GM Canada told me there was a recall kit but she could not see what parts were in it, but it did include the springs and boots for sure...I am afraid there is no way those springs could have been changed with the dielectric grease left on them/in there. The rubber boots do have numbers on the bottoms of them...she is getting back to me with more info. I tried to remove a boot they sure don't seem to come off......

      I don't know how to do business with service people anymore...I had an alignment done today they put in rear wheel shims I had the wheels tightened to 88lbs per spec I go get the car and the back tires are over 110lbs. I go back in and say hey what are you guys doing...they say they never had the tires off LOL it's a complete lost cause, I guess they done overtorqued themselves.

    5. #5
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      OK this is what is suppose to be done for recall 11290...new plugs which have a smaller gap than original, new boots and new springs inside the boots. The recall states a degraded connection between the boots and plugs may cause misfire...well I for one can eliminate the may, having ended up on the side of the road several times running on 2 cylinders no may about it...

      This is what the dealer did that I took it to, they installed the new plugs and left my old boots and springs on, I have gone to two dealers and inspected the recall kits to be sure....so maybe have a peek at your goods before takin it to the dealer then have another peek before you leave the dealer parking lot to make sure something actually was changed.

      I reported this dealer to GM Canada since I already had a non brake system flush performed by them when I actually paid to have it flushed ! So that makes a grand total of 3 repairs I have had done there, paid for and well they just never got around to doing them...obviously some kinda a problem in the back....

    6. #6
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      Glad you got it all figured out. Might want to mention the name of the dealer so others here can avoid it.

    7. #7
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Quote Originally Posted by HeavyDuty View Post
      OK this is what is suppose to be done for recall 11290...new plugs which have a smaller gap than original, new boots and new springs inside the boots. The recall states a degraded connection between the boots and plugs may cause misfire...well I for one can eliminate the may, having ended up on the side of the road several times running on 2 cylinders no may about it...

      This is what the dealer did that I took it to, they installed the new plugs and left my old boots and springs on, I have gone to two dealers and inspected the recall kits to be sure....so maybe have a peek at your goods before takin it to the dealer then have another peek before you leave the dealer parking lot to make sure something actually was changed.

      I reported this dealer to GM Canada since I already had a non brake system flush performed by them when I actually paid to have it flushed ! So that makes a grand total of 3 repairs I have had done there, paid for and well they just never got around to doing them...obviously some kinda a problem in the back....
      It would be unwise of me to make a direct statement which names the dealer....but if anyone is getting work done in Regina,SK. they can sure pm me and I will steer them clear of these guys I will make a much broader statement though..if you need work done of any kind patch it up and get out of Saskatchewan if you can LOL Alberta and Manitoba dealers any I have dealt with are fair and there's a good dealer in Fort Quappel, SK. hour from here....they haven't took me yet....good work reasonable prices.

    8. #8
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      I don't see why there should be any issues telling people which places to avoid due to bad experiences there. In the US we have the Better Business Bureau where you can report bad businesses. I'm not sure if you guys have something equivalent.

    9. #9
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      The misfire started at 37,0 xx miles and the dealer would not fix it. So I got the new coil pack and plugs from the dealer and installed them myself. At 43,000 miles, started to misfire again. Rather than fix it again, traded it for a 2014 Sonic lt. This is my daughter's car and didn't look to see if it's a different engine.

    10. #10
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Daox View Post
      I don't see why there should be any issues telling people which places to avoid due to bad experiences there. In the US we have the Better Business Bureau where you can report bad businesses. I'm not sure if you guys have something equivalent.
      The BBB protects nobody. It amounts to providing an official shoulder to cry on - and businesses know that most people don't follow up on complaints. For every person who complains there are probably at least 10 others that won't. Social media review sites (such a Yelp) can be more revealing and effective than the BBB.

      I agree that if a dealer said they replaced components under recall (and I would not be surprised if the dealer said they did it, but actually didn't) and IF you have proof of that, you certainly can name the dealer publicly without fear of reprisal, as long as it is true. You can only be sued for libel or slander if what you are saying is untrue. But if your claim IS true and is provable, and you have proof of your claim, you can say it loud and long to alert others of the injustice you have experienced. That includes parking your car in front of the dealership with a sign on it that says that the car is a lemon, and the dealer is dishonest. As long as it is true, you will carry the day... the dealer will have to deal with your public protest and the bad publicity incurred.

      We now live in a world where we live in fear and have forgotten how to complain effectively. We're afraid to say we have been hoodwinked, compromised or cheated. We have become intimidated.

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