Is there some place on the Forum that I can search for it or is it gone for good?
Is there some place on the Forum that I can search for it or is it gone for good?
I think it is gone, it says it saves drafts, but I have no ideal on how to access them (if they even save)
Thanks. I'll rewrite it. Hopefully, tomorrow.
In response to charlieb’s questions:
The drain pan that I bought was adequate to catch the drain plug and the transmission fluid that initially came out, about 2 quarts. Unfortunately, the drain plug is not at the absolute bottom of the transmission pan. I assume that this is for safety. If it were at the absolute bottom, it would be susceptible to random damage from road hazards. My mistake, one that you can avoid, is to buy a drain pan that is large enough to accommodate the transmission pan and the filter, both of which will have residual fluid in them.
Sorry I didn’t take any pictures. However, except for the mess in my driveway, the job is relatively easy. The drain plug is 9/16, the pan has eighteen 10 mm bolts and a gasket, and the filter is held in place by three 10 mm bolts. I got the gasket and filter from rockauto for about $75. I used a generic transmission fluid from Wal-Mart that cost about $4 a quart. The label states that it is an acceptable replacement for T-IV transmission fluid. You can buy an adequate drain pan (larger than the one I purchased) from Wal-Mart for about $8. Good luck.
Last edited by wuwei37405; 01-05-2012 at 08:05 PM.
i do trans filter changes all the time(dodge ram) but not going to drop aveo pan, just because of filter being mostly a screen. was just wondering about pics of filter.would have been nice to pull outer shell of filter body apart to see what was really in there.i have less than 40,000km on the o7 aveo and just changed my 2.5 litres of t-1V from dealership @ 13.00 a litre.i drive onto ramps puts car at 25 degree angle i get 2.5 litres out but thanks for sharing your expierence.
Yes, I wish that I had taken the used filter/screen apart to see what was inside. Unfortunately, it is too late now. I threw it away. A big part of life is "What might have been?"
Last edited by wuwei37405; 01-03-2012 at 06:25 PM.