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    Thread: Bad Fuel Pump? NOPE, bad timing belt.

    1. #1
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      Bad Fuel Pump? NOPE, bad timing belt.

      I have a 2004 5 speed hatchback that just turned 80,000 a few weeks ago.
      Yesterday, I was running a few errands, and after my last stop, the car would not start.

      It turns over but just won't start. I checked the fuel pump fuse and relay and all seems o.k. there.
      When I checked the pressure this morning, the gauge went to 50 when the ignition was turned on, but then gradually dropped. This was a used Autozone loan-a-tool, so I'm not sure of the quality of the gauge anymore.
      Also, I'm a big n00b to the fuel system, so I hope my questions aren't too crazy.

      When the fuel pressure drops with the ignition on but engine off, should the pump kick back in to repressurize the line? When opening the bleeder valve on the gauge or manually pressing the schrader valve with the ignition on, I only got the tiniest squirt of gas and then nothing.

      Is this indicative of a bad pump? What else can I do to test it?
      Any help is aprreciated (and I'll keep scouring this site looking for answers in the mean-time)


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      that sounds like the priming of the fuel pump works, but the running of the fuel pump does not. Priming only happened once per key turn on most cars.

      Its possibly a few items, like the fuel pump relay. Since the fuel pump works to prime the system, I'd hold off on jumping in to replace that. It could also be the oil pressure sensor, its will cut fuel if it does not read pressure after start up. I would test those two things to see if that solves the problem.

      The leak down on the system since it dropped from 50 psi might be indicative of the fuel pump, can you start it? does it idle?

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      that sounds like the priming of the fuel pump works, but the running of the fuel pump does not. Priming only happened once per key turn on most cars.

      Its possibly a few items, like the fuel pump relay. Since the fuel pump works to prime the system, I'd hold off on jumping in to replace that. It could also be the oil pressure sensor, its will cut fuel if it does not read pressure after start up. I would test those two things to see if that solves the problem.

      The leak down on the system since it dropped from 50 psi might be indicative of the fuel pump, can you start it? does it idle?
      I was just reading another thread about the oil pressure sensor, so I'm going to check that.
      I can't get it to start/idle at all. It turns over fine, but that's it.

      I changed the relay with a known working one, and that didn't make any difference either.

      Thanks. I'll post back with results.

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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      that sounds like the priming of the fuel pump works, but the running of the fuel pump does not. Priming only happened once per key turn on most cars.

      Its possibly a few items, like the fuel pump relay. Since the fuel pump works to prime the system, I'd hold off on jumping in to replace that. It could also be the oil pressure sensor, its will cut fuel if it does not read pressure after start up. I would test those two things to see if that solves the problem.

      The leak down on the system since it dropped from 50 psi might be indicative of the fuel pump, can you start it? does it idle?
      O.k. I pulled the oil pressure sensor and cranked it with same result. I didn't see any sort of corrosion or buildup on it either. I pulled the plug wires to test for spark (spark was good) and discovered that #3 was soaked with oil. Time to check the gasket I suppose?

      Edit: I can also hear the pump working as the engine is cranking, so there's that...
      Last edited by SpiffWilkie; 07-10-2012 at 09:01 PM.

    5. #5
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      oil on one spark plug most like wont cause a no start, even a blown head gasket will run, not well, but run.

      how did you test the oil pressure? just unplugged it and tried to restart the car? you cranked it over with no sensor in there? did you spray oil every where? this is where no one has reported back, but i think its a ground, and fault to open. which means if you unplug it, you need to ground the wire to "bypass" the pressure switch. And see if that runs, but try t with it unplugged as well.

      your still building fuel pressure at key on right? how fast is pressure leaking down?

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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      oil on one spark plug most like wont cause a no start, even a blown head gasket will run, not well, but run.

      how did you test the oil pressure? just unplugged it and tried to restart the car? you cranked it over with no sensor in there? did you spray oil every where? this is where no one has reported back, but i think its a ground, and fault to open. which means if you unplug it, you need to ground the wire to "bypass" the pressure switch. And see if that runs, but try t with it unplugged as well.

      your still building fuel pressure at key on right? how fast is pressure leaking down?
      Yup, just pulled and tested, then reseated and tested again. No oil spray when it was unplugged.

      I'm going to recheck the pressure drop as I just noticed that the o-ring on the gauge is very messed up. Hopefully that was the cause of the drop.

      Report to follow.

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      I replaced the o-ring in the gauge. I'm getting a constant 55psi with no dropping.

      Edit: I want to make sure we're on the same page as the oil pressure sensor. When I say I pulled it, I meant that I pulled the plug (green wire).
      Last edited by SpiffWilkie; 07-10-2012 at 10:37 PM.

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      off the oil sensor on the back of the block near the crank pulley? try to ground it on the block and see if it runs, or if it is just unplugged.

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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      try to ground it on the block and see if it runs, or if it is just unplugged.
      No luck either way.

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      Here's the latest:
      I pulled the plugs out this afternoon. As I said before, #3 had a lot of oil in there. The plug was covered top and bottom.
      When I pulled the wire for #4, the metal plug part stayed behind, still attached to the top of the plug. I was definitely getting spark on that one yesterday, but it seems there's a good chance it wasn't all that great of a connection. Also, plug #4 had oil all over it.

      So now I'm going to change the plugs and the wires and take care of the oil before I check anything else. Yay...

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