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    Thread: Chug a lug, lurch, burp & dead! Any advice?

    1. #1
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      Chug a lug, lurch, burp & dead! Any advice?

      Quick synopsis: My girl fills her 2006 Aveo (4DR/STD) with gas on Thursday. Friday everything is cool on her 40 mile trip to work. On the way home however the CEL comes on. The car starts to sputter and lose power, then revs. She makes it home fine.... same thing next day. After a trip to the auto parts store and a diagnostic, they came up with Codes 0172 & 2188 Fuel trim too rich. They told her it was the HO2 sensor. I replaced it last night to no avail. The Aveo still needs a medic. It revs then starves out while in neutral. The lights brighten as it does this and dim when it starves but the weirdest thing is it acts as if its being flooded. You can smell the fuel. Long story short (if its not too late), after new tires, maintenance and now the o2 sensor, kinda lacking the fundage to visit the mechanic. Anyone have any ideas??? Vacuum leak, fuel pump, throttle body? Someone please throw me a bone.

    2. #2
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      Run the car out of gas, and put some bp or exxon or something in, odds are if the problem was REALLY not there before the fill up then its bad gas..

      if the problem persists after the gas has been out of the system, then get a fuel pressure (for fuel injection) tester at the auto parts store, its about $35-40 and it will tell you if anything is wrong with the fuel injection.. (too much pressure could cause this problem). Also put your finger on each inject to feel it they "click" the same way, if one is stuck, you would be running rich as well.. but you would also have lower to low normal pressure in the rail.

      this is provided you the o2 you put in it is correct, and working.

    3. #3
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      Could an injector be stuck open? Is it possible? Here is a link that may help:
      Leaky Injector Symptoms | eHow.com
      Please do not power off, firmware update pending.....

    4. #4
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      another thing to check, that is cheap and free, is your air filter, and intake, if there is a lot of restriction, then the car could run slightly rich. not likely to be in this case, as the computer will be able to account for the loss of air. (try taking the fliter out for a test) and even lave the airbox open to see if the problem goes away. make sure the intake pipe to the throttle body is still hooked up and the sensors as well.

    5. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Air intake and filter seems worth a try... as does the vacuum leak. Might give that a go. Also the gas... siphon it out and try something else.

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