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    Thread: dash lights not working (andrewkittens solved: junction block burnt)

    1. #41
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      im sure itll come up with a little force, the guys said it was pretty obvious which wires were faulty, so it shouldnt be too hard of a fix. if you cant figure it out after getting the junction block up, maybe ill pull up mine and see which wires they bypassed it with.

    2. #42
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      Still Could not figure out how to pull it , Any easy way without breaking it?

      Still Could not figure out how to pull it , Any easy way without breaking it?

    3. #43
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      which part are you pulling on?

    4. #44
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      Red face I HAD the same problem...got it fixed TODAY!!

      No, it's not a fuse. Too easy.
      No, it's not a bulb. Again, too easy.

      Actually, the fix for me was in the engine fuse box. There is a small white hub at the corner closet to the driver were the wires all feed into. The wires that went to the passenger parking lights, my dash and my little dinger that tells me my lights are on were ALL corroded and shorted out. My mechanic bypassed the wires into the main power wire, and now I'm back on the road.

      Hope that helps!

    5. #45
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      Thank you guys My 09 hatch just started doing this. But luckily im still under warrenty Im going to the dealer tomaro but i prefer to know what the problem is before I take it to them.

    6. #46
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      Dimmer switch was shorting out and causing the fuse to blow as soon as lights were turned on. Hope this helps anyone out If you dont have the junction block problem.

    7. #47
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      Hey there folks, I also ran into the same problem with 04 aveo. I found a simple quick fix & cheap. Don't pay to repair a disposal car, fix it yourself. I simply used the driver side light fixture dimmer light power wires and soldered/splice a wire that I ran through the bumper to the passenger side light fixture. I then splice into that connection and presto dash lights and front and back dimmer lights on again. Don't forget to zip tie wire to original fixture so that it doesn't hang from bumper. Since they made these cars so cheap, they didn't put individual relays or fuses for each set of lights, and actually that wouldn't be a bad idea if you add your own relays, but why bother, as longs as it works. ((O yeah, it's the blue wire for dimmers)). Hope this helps and saves you time and money.

      yeah buddy!

    8. #48
      Almost time to do my timing belt daug1502's Avatar
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      You can probably find a good one at a junk yard.
      2008 Aveo5 SV

      I will think of a better signature later.

    9. #49
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      I had the same problem with my 2005 Chevy Aveo. Instrument table lights not working, some of the outside lights not working while the blinkers are working and similar. So I suspected that something other was a problem other than just a blown fuse or a light bulb. Speaking of that I checked all of the fuses and nothing was bad.

      First of all let me tell you that all of this forum and information here was very helpful when I encountered the same problem.

      This will work only if you can find a spare part that I will describe bellow. I saw some solutions where people simply spliced the wires, but I am not that knowledgeable, plus I was reaaaaaaaaaly lucky to find the spare part.

      After reading these posts I looked at my distribution box with fuses under the hood and junction block on the right side looked burned (see pics).
      First thing that I did is checked the local junk yard and found a 07 aveo that just made it into the junk yard 2 weeks prior to me looking . I went there and pulled the entire fuse junction box along with some cables that I could cut - I was so lucky that I was even able to find this !!!!!!!!. This was invaluable as I was able to play with this box and figure out how to get certain components out without breaking them.
      After a long learning curve, the results are this.
      I had to replace the burnt junction block with the new one from the part I got.
      Apparently they have realized that this wiring is a problem and in newer model seem to have fixed the problem. Therefore the junction box that I got was not wired the same way as mine.

      Few pointers regarding this.
      Getting the junction box out is a trick - use screw driver into a hole on the side where the junction box is attached to the housing and bent it outward until you can slide the junction box up and then pull it out. Once you pull it out, you have to remove the top clip as it presses on all of the connectors inside the junction box. Junction box has 2 small notches on the sides where you can slide in a small screw driver and gently and patiently work it out until the cover of the junction box comes off. Don't hurry this otherwise you will damage the junction box cover. Once you remove the cover, next comes removing the terminal connectors.

      My junction box was so burnt that I had to cut some wires and connect them to the wires from the new junction box. Still I wanted to save all the original wires from the side of the junction box that was not (yet) burnt to minimize the need to splice wires. I numbered each wire and port that it comes from from my junction box before cutting them.

      Also, removing these connectors from the junction box terminals was a bit of a learning curve before I figured it out. Use a tiny flat screw driver and carefully bend the plastic handle inside each terminal and then gently pull the cable out from the other side. I say carefully as the plastic handles tend to break if you do it too hard.

      Once terminal connectors were out I had to connect wires back to the terminals according to the scheme I had numbered for my car and model and connect the wires to the correct old wires. Plugged it all in and put back and all the lights and display are now working.

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    10. #50
      What's wrong with my car?
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      All of this happened to my 06 Aveo about a year back, my mom and i found an online source that showed us how to fix this. we ripped out the burnt splice pack and bypassed it by splicing the wires back in the correct order. this fixed all my problems except i still do not have inside dashboard lights OR radio lights. As a fix we bought some pink interior lighting and a toggle switch and we ran it from battery under hood, through inside of door, we took out the dimmer switch and replaced it with my nifty toggle switch. i superglued the pink lights on top of my steering column. this looks neat and all but is not the permanent fix i want. does anyone know how I can maybe fix this? maybe replace the bulb in the dashboard or anything???

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