Well, I'm stuck. Looks like the dashboard controls a lot of stuff in the car - radio, clock lamps & etc. I has two connector - green and blue. Green is the input power, and outputs signal for enable/disable radio, clock... Blue one, as far as I understand, is input signals from doors, sensors, buttons...
- When blue cable is disconnected - power consumption remains the same - 0.2Amp.
- When green cable is disconnected - consumptions drops to 0.003Amp.
- When two cables are plugged in and doors are locked - clock is off, radio is disabled & doesn't react on the power button. When doors are unlocked - clock is on, radio react on power button.
The main dashboard controller - MC9S12HZ256VAL . According to the datasheet it's power consumption is 0.065Amp in normal mode and 0.0048Amp during the sleep.
Something else eats 0.2 - 0.065 = 0.135Amp. Any ideas? Does any body have dashboard pinout?