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    Thread: Electrical problem prolly something stupid easy!

    1. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by McGrinnan View Post
      Next I talked to a tech who also teaches advanced electrical and said the leds are pulling less resistance so a resistor would be a ridiculous idea to add to it. Also pulled up wiring diagram and to say the lease the connector that connects the lights to the power is a Mongolian cluster**** and causes it to go haywire.
      If you wired it correctly, and its the leds that are the problem, this explanation is actually sounds backwards, they cannot "pull" less resistance, they have less resistance, so with the same supply, and less resistance, the wire gets "hotter" blowing the fuse. Using the correct resistor would "absorb" the "heat", using up the supplied power like the oem lights did.

    2. #12
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      That's what I am trying to do I just figured someone on here would have a wiring diagram or a helpful idea so far just negative everytime I get on here! What you mean good luck with repairs in the future? So far I have had the worst luck with this car and fixed problems on it no "mechanic" could even figure out then post it on here so you guys can do something with it. And who ever said that my car isn't engineered that way so it wont work I have to say well a ford fiesta isn't"engineered" for rally racing yet ken block does lap times in that thing our car will never get close to.

    3. #13
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      In those terms yes if the lights are pulling more current but have less resistance than yes a 7 ohm resistor would work just fine as you have 13.5V using or "pulling" 2 ohms resistance which should work fine I can prolly pick up 4 for. 29cents a piece then should work but I wonder if somehow the light is a somehow ground and need to great another ground. Hmmmm decisions. Decisions!

    4. #14
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      I do not want to comment on your statement that you are getting a lot of negativity on this forum because that is a matter of your personal opinion. However, I would like to point out that I asked you a specific question and you never responded. So, maybe this negativity that you are sensing is nothing more than the lack of a dialogue.

    5. #15
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      Sorry I thought rabbit answered your question. Ya Idk what is causing it I disconnected the the connector from power to the lights replaced fuses and things worked so I pretty sure its the connector it was 30 degrees outside with 60 mph winds so I didn't get to do much but am 97% sure if I do the wiring before it will work.

    6. #16
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      I have come to the conclusion that I don't understand the problem so I am going to stop posting to this thread. I hope that someone will be able to help you. Good luck.

    7. #17
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      Ok the connector that goes into the amber light underneath the headlight is where my problem is. I took a test light to the 3 wires connected (black,yellow,brown). Upon testing the black tested ground yellow tested running light and brown tested signal power. So I connected a 194 light and socket into the additional light socket that came in our cars. The power to brown and the ground wire to ground. Next I added a led (12 bulb) strip into the light housing itself. I then connected that from ground to ground then connected that power to the yellow wire. Upon doing this I pressed the lock button to make lights flashed everything worked fine. So put it all back together turned it over and it blew bout 10 different fuses. If you still don't understand I can't help. Also found out that the connector for the lights is a real price of **** and causes the power to be split so pretty sure if I do the connecting before the connector it should work.

    8. #18
      Should I keep it? AveoJunk's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by McGrinnan View Post
      That's what I am trying to do I just figured someone on here would have a wiring diagram or a helpful idea so far just negative everytime I get on here! What you mean good luck with repairs in the future? So far I have had the worst luck with this car and fixed problems on it no "mechanic" could even figure out then post it on here so you guys can do something with it. And who ever said that my car isn't engineered that way so it wont work I have to say well a ford fiesta isn't"engineered" for rally racing yet ken block does lap times in that thing our car will never get close to.

      OK, you go out to your driveway and hack up your electrical wires. Then you come on a forum without pictures and want people to play guess your best at what you did. Some people could not even understand what you posted.

      You say negative, but I gave you a best guess, either a short to ground or too much "current" due to not enough resistance. It is obvious from your later posts that you do not have the skill set to effect this mod, so I recommended return to stock, maybe I should have said take it to an audio shop.

      You should never use a test light on a modern automobile, especially with airbags. use a digital multi meter. (there, more useful information)

      And your friend who teaches advanced electrical engineering...well...oh and don't embarass yourself by saying something "pulls" resistance or ohms, unless you are trying to make people laugh.

    9. #19
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      you can't handle the truth.

    10. #20
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      Well it worked just like I said it would. Aveojunk go **** yourself you stupid bitch. I am sorry I am not a complete genius. I didn't post pics because I don't know how hence maybe why I haven't started a thread with all the mods I have done. In the great words of full metal jacket "the best part of you drizzled down your moms azzcrack. Also if you pull a wiring diagram up you get the colors scheme didn't think about that did you retard. And your joking right don't use a test light on modern vehicles are you a retard ask any real mechanic that is one of the most used tools out there. I think its funny you talk so much crap about stuff you don't know about. One of my best friends owns his own audio shop and installs remote starters you can't use a multimeter to figure out which wire is which its either wiring diagram or a test light. But hey I will forgive you. To all those that helped I greatly appreciate it to those who get their jollies off by doing nothing butsay turn it back stock I pity you and your lame stock lives!

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